KillerSites Blog

Entreprenerds: Modern Day Entrepreneurs

November 14, 2017

Because of technology, it has never been easier to start and grow a business. Tech is a key tool of business, and especially small business owners need to understand how, what and when to leverage tech. In my own entrepreneurial career, an understanding of technology has been invaluable.

Every business has to use the Web, whether it be a website or a social media presence:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • YouTube

Entrepreneurs need to use these tools. To fully leverage technology though, you need to understand it.

Do Entrepreneurs need to become coders?

Short answer: NO.

… But it wouldn’t hurt!

A friend of mine who runs a successful business (does $2 million/year in sales,) has told me repeatedly, that one of the best things he did, was to learn the basics of web design … specifically, learning HTML and CSS.

His core business has nothing to do with technology, but like so many companies out there, the company website is key to sales and marketing. Understanding the basics of web design allows him to make better business decisions about the website.

Knowing the basics of HTML also makes it easy for him to understand his web developers and web designers … this saves time and money since there is better communication.


Because technology is now a key tool in all business, entrepreneurs have to become entreprenerds if they want to be able to compete in the market.  The first step is to become code and Web aware, business owners who have a basic understand on how code works, will have a significant competitive advantage over tech savvyless players.
