KillerSites Blog


More Than Dress to Impress…

August 22, 2019

How do you impress as a new developer?

You just landed your first job as a programmer or a dev… Congratulations! Now how do you keep that job? We gotcha.
First, read this.
That’s a lot to remember, are you freaking out? No problem.
All you really need to do is remember step 1 or (for those of you that didn’t read it):

Communication. “Communicate; listen, that’s a big part of it. …Being somebody they can count on, somebody that gets along, somebody that they can speak to is a huge part of the job. …Just work with people, listen, and that is like 90% of it.”
Don’t ask Google-able questions. “…If you find that you’re having difficulty, don’t be afraid to ask questions …short, concise questions -don’t ask super long-winded questions- keep it pithy/to the point… …[And] don’t ask too many questions -especially questions that you could research on Google (ultimately they’re hiring you to get the job done).” But stuff happens, for example, “…there could be some design issues, there could be some specifics with regards to their particular software…hopefully they’ll be able to provide that [answers] for you…”
The ‘Ramp-up’. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fresh-faced noob or a grizzled old veteran programmer, no one with brain in their skull expects you to get things right outta the gate. There’s a ‘ramp-up’: “When they first bring you in there’s going to be some expectation of a ‘ramp-up’ time. You’re not going to know everything …if they have an advanced piece of software, …you’re going to have to get to know the code base, and that could take time depending on the complexity of the software. It’s not your code, you’re going to have to learn it. And in your first little while go out of your way to make sure you try as quickly as possible to learn the code -don’t kill yourself; don’t get all sweaty and nervous about it- …but ask your coworker, your lead. ‘what do I need to do first so I can get up to speed and help you guys?’ “.

After that, it’s like any other job, “…be sure to double-check your work: make sure you don’t make any silly mistakes, …if you’re assigned to a task, make sure you get things done on time, …and hopefully you didn’t lie on your resume and say you were a ‘master nerd’, cuz they’re going to figure you out pretty quickly…”.

Check out the VLOG for some really good advice and <Shameless Promo> generally speaking, if you’ve taken the web stack course, you might find yourself ahead of the game as many people found out once they got the job…

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Should You Continue Learning Python?

August 21, 2019

Should you continue to learn Python, even if Python jobs in the area are more or less in data sciences or other areas you’re not interested in?

So, what if you’re learning a language; Python in this case and you start looking around at possible jobs and realize that all or most of the jobs for Python are ones that you have no particular interest in? Do you stop learning and move onto something else?

“I think it’s a good idea to learn multiple languages, …every time I learned a new language my skills as a developer went <sound of a rocket taking off>, rocket[ed] right up. All these modern languages…they all share so many of the same qualities, but they look at things from a different point of view.” Think of it in terms of hanging out with different friends, even though hanging out with different friends has a lot of similarities: having a drink, talking, laughing, etc, the experience will always be different, ya know?

We’ve said it here before but there is no such thing as a wasted language, because each language learned is like a tool in your tool box, there will be an occasion to use it. Now that being said there are some obscure tools out there and if you’re getting into this business to make money, you’re probably better off learning to use the most popular tools. But, hey, you’re an adult and as you become more experienced in this field, you’ll figure out what’s worth your time…

Check out the VLOG, there’s a lot of great info, including some commentary on Swift and JavaScript.

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What is the Best Developer’s Computer in 2019?

August 12, 2019

What is the best developer computer/laptop in 2019? Should you go with MacOSX, Windows 10 …. or perhaps Linux?

It’s 2019 and you’re just getting started as a developer and you want the best gear that will help you get this job done quickly and effectively, so you look into it and maybe you should get a laptop for on the go work? Mac? PC? Or maybe you’ll just decide to get a ‘tower’ setup and just stay home? But what kind of specs do I need? Where am I? Who’s that guy and why’s he smiling? What’s going on, why is the room spinning?

Easy, young warrior, you don’t have to go pedal to the metal when it comes to getting a computer because, “it really doesn’t make a difference anymore in terms of which laptop you get or which type of computer operating system(OS) you get for software development (I wouldn’t use iOS yet for software development or Android…although I imagine that is going to be coming pretty soon…), …all these computers are pretty good: all very powerful, all very capable”.

Not only that but in terms of how much power you need, “You could use a six year old laptop and be able to do most coding with no problem. Where power comes into play…is compiling, if you have to compile…having a faster computer will allow you to compile much more quickly…”.

So there it is, the VLOG will go into a much more deep dive into what Windows 10 is doing vs. Linux vs. iOS, but it’s all pretty much the same. The only real thing you have to consider when possibly buying a new machine is “… think about your broader use case…if you’re a gamer, you’re probably going to want to be on Windows, as an example”.

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Quality of the Bean: JavaScript Vs. CoffeeScript

August 1, 2019

Another great example of the ‘Shiny Tech Trap’…

JavaScript needs no introduction… even a quick google search will give you all you need to know. But at one time JS had a rival, a new kid on the block and it was called CoffeeScript (You can google it if you want but don’t bother…). “A few years back people were like ‘oohhh, CoffeeScript!’, the hipster nerds were, ‘Ooooh, CoffeeScript runs faster than JS, it’s better – you gotta use CoffeeScript!’.” And the sad thing was CoffeeScript did have some advantages and was actually slightly faster than JS but, “Rule of thumb: when you have a technology, whether it be a programming language or framework but it’s extremely dominant in the marketplace, for it to be replaced there would literally have to be some paradigm shift for that to happen. It is very very rare that you see a very established technology replaced by something that’s maybe 20% or 30% better…It has to be 5 times better! …or more.”

“Now CoffeeScript was faster blah blah blah, JS was so dominant that all JS people had to do was come in with es6, which is the latest version of JS…and CoffeeScript is now {indicates ‘thumbs down’ motion and ‘failure’ sound effect}…no more.”

This falls into something we talked about here not too long ago, called ‘the shiny tech trap’, which is abandoning more mature/tried and true/old technology for something that’s brand-spanking new and purports to do things slightly faster and better. Unless it’s a HUGE leap forward the absolutely changes everything for the better, it’s generally not going to happen…

Take a sip of the steaming-hot cuppa VLOG to really get a sense of what we’re talking about and as a bonus, we talk about RUBY but not in a terrible way…I mean not a great way, but not terrible. Check it out.

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