KillerSites Blog

web design tutorials

Learning Web Design with Projects

August 8, 2011

learn web design by doing

What is the best way to learn web design?

Well, I’ve learned over the years that the best way to learn anything is to just do it. I would say that the theory-to-practical mix, should be say 20% theory and 80% practical.

Yep, academic shills (regardless of profession) are not only useless, they’re down right dangerous!! To avoid becoming an evil useless shill, you need to step it up and actually build websites, write code, make mistakes and learn from it.

We build our courses with that in mind.

If you check out our growing collection of web design training courses, you will notice a few things:

  1. They are very tasks oriented – you learn by doing.
  2. They are very practical – you learn stuff that people actually use in the field!
  3. The teachers are ALL experienced web designers and programmers – no academic shills here!!


Yep, I’m shilling for our courses, but why not?


Besides, people like our stuff, check out just a small sampling of the emails we get:


Stefan Mischook

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