KillerSites Blog

Surface Pro 4 is great, but it can also suck.

February 8, 2016


So I bought the Surface Pro 4 shortly after it came out, something I rarely do, because it’s dangerous to buy new tech products when they first come out.  So after a couple of months of use, I can tell you that Surface Pro 4 is both very cool and annoying.

The good:

  • Microsoft got the perfect blend of full computer and tablet. Amazing!
  • The pen is great – I take a lot of notes by hand. Love it!
  • Great screen and the kick-stand is HUGE!

The bad:

  • Whatever you do, don’t put it in sleep mode – many times, it doesn’t wake up and you have to restart. And that’s a pain because the Surface Pro gives you no indicator as to what’s going on.
  • The Surface Doc (that cost $250) doesn’t work half the time. It has troubles driving USB devices and even the monitor.
  • Some general minor flakiness: sometimes the touchscreen doesn’t work (you have to restart,) sometimes the pen doesn’t work … you have to restart.
  • Mouse pointer and UI element size issues: sometimes the mouse pointer looks like one of those giant foam hands you see at a football game. Other times, app buttons are so tiny, you need to buy a magnifying glass to see them. I’ve confirmed these issues weren’t the fault of the apps, because in other Windows 10 machines, this problem does not exist. It is Surface Pro 4.

So overall, it is a great computer that is in late beta. Please fix this otherwise great product Microsoft.

Stefan Mischook