KillerSites Blog

How much can a person expect to earn as a website developer?

June 1, 2010


In this article I listed some hourly rates you could charge depending on your skills, experience and talents. I wanted to point out that these numbers are not written in stone because of a few other factors:

– Where you live.
– How the economy is doing.
– Where technology is going.

So for example, someone living in Bangkok Thailand will probably get paid a lot less than someone living in New York city because everything is much cheaper in Thailand. For instance, an apartment that would cost you $500 in Bangkok will cost you $3000 in New York. So keep this in mind when reading.


I get a lot of web design and web programming related questions thrown at me and from time to time I use them as the basis of a blog post:

Tell me if you will. How much can a person expect to earn as a website developer?

Thanks again. I am hoping to make this a new career for me.

My answer:

How much can a person expect to earn as a website developer?

Depends on where you live, your skills, talent and experience. So let’s say you’re Mr. average, pretty good at what you do, but not one of those rare ultra-nerds or ultra-designers.

Once you have basic web design skills in place:

– html
– css
– basic design skills

.. You can make the lower end of a middle class living. So of many places, that’s about $15-25 hr – depending on your talents.

Once you add these skills:

– PHP (able to do simple things and modify scripts in simple ways)
– Javascript – same level as PHP

… Then you can at another $5-10hr to that base. Again, depends on your depth of knowledge and talent.

Finally, if you can add to that:

– An understanding of web architecture.
– Usablility
– More advanced PHP/ Javascript skills.
– Some experience under your belt.

… Then you can start finding yourself making much more. Experience and talent do play a major role in this.

In my heyday as a Java web programmer, I was billing out at $200 hr.

I hope that helps.

Stefan Mischook