KillerSites Blog

Choosing a web career for people with disabilities.

February 16, 2010


A really interesting question was emailed to me recently by someone that I will call ‘Rick’. Her real name was Jenny, but she wanted to keep that private:

I’ve been trying to make a decision about my career path and I wondered if you could offer me any words of advice?

I have a disability that prevents me from working on-site and I will need to work from home as a freelancer. I’m trying to find out which of these server side technologies will make me more marketable from home as a freelancer …

… Rick goes on to mention a few of the popular web programming languages that he is considering:

  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Java

The answer and the key points

If you want to work from home, by far and away PHP is your best choice because it is the most widely used language and it is the language that you see small business use more often than not. After PHP, I would give Ruby a go.

… Actually, why not learn both!


Java and .NET are not great choices for stay-at-home freelancers because those technologies are more or less used by larger corporations that more likely than not, will want you to work on site.

Thanks for reading,

Stefan Mischook