KillerSites Blog

The Millionaire Myth and the Business of Web Design

June 11, 2007


This article has something to do with my Business of Web Design video course, so please bear with me!

What I am about to say, will probably get me into some trouble. Yet, it needs to be said because it is true.

In a nutshell: chances are, you will not become a millionaire!

A little background:

There is a popular belief, that if you follow the right steps, read the right books, that you can become a millionaire. The sense you get (from all the books and tv infomercials) is that it’s possible … very possible.

Some facts:

  • Only 1% of Americans make $250 000 / year … let alone becoming millionaires.
  • Something like 85% of self made millionaire live very modest (middle class) lifestyles.

Before I go on, I am not saying that we can’t reach financial independence (I will get into what that means later). Rather, I am saying that if you want to live the life of a movie star, drive around $250 000 sports cars, and live in mansions, then there is a 99% chance that you will NOT make it.

What it takes to become a millionaire:

After doing a lot of research, and having had few millionaire mentors of my own, I’ve found the following to be the keys to making it big:

  • You probably have to work much harder than most people.
  • You will have to be luckier than most people.
  • You will probably have to be talented. Although many times, luck can make up for the lack of talent.
  • You will have to take risks.

There is one thing that (just about) every rich/successful person I have ever spoken to, read about, or watched on TV has said:

that they have been very lucky.

… They had some stroke of dumb luck, that made things happen for them.

So, if you want to base your life on that less than 1% chance you will make the ‘big time’ … then good luck to you! I prefer to work toward the very attainable goal of financial independence.

What is financial independence?

For me, this means that you have more money coming in, than you need (to live comfortably,) … WITHOUT having to bust your butt, or be under massive pressure.

I did this through the web design business (but that’s not the only way,) and it is something that can be reasonably attained, even by reasonably untalented people … people like me!

About Talent:

It’s a sad fact in life, that not all people are created equal when it comes to talent. If boxing (and my broken nose) has taught me anything, it is this.

But it’s not all bad:

It is also true, that each of us can excel in one thing or another (and the trick is to find your talent!) but the fact of the matter is, that if you want to reach the very top of some profession, you need to have that natural talent that makes it easy for you.

What can talentless people do?

Ah, now that’s the trick: realize who you are, and then come up with a strategy!

  1. Find out what your talent really is. You don’t have to be the best (and you probably wont be,) just so long as you are naturally able.
  2. Start doing what you are good at.
  3. Get people around you who can make up for your lack of talent.

In the ‘Business of Web Design’ videos, I teach you the brass-and-tacks of building a home-based web design business, and I also teach the strategy to becoming financially independent.

For example:

You may not be the best coder, or perhaps your design skills suck. Not matter, you can make up for that by leveraging other people and other peoples work (I show you how in the videos,) freeing you to excel in whatever aspect of web design you happen to be good at.

Thanks so much for reading!

Stefan Mischook