KillerSites Blog

Picnik – web based image editing.

March 2, 2010

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One of the great things about web design is that you can jump into it with cheap hardware and free and next to free software. In a nutshell, web design is an affordable thing to learn and do.

Image editing on the cheap

There are cheap and free image editors that you can install on your computer. And now, there are image editors that you can simply run in a web browser!

Sure, they are not as powerful (today) as say Photoshop or The Gimp … OK, not nearly as powerful, but nonetheless, for simple image editing, they seem to do a good job.

Here are two options I know of:

  1. Aviary
  2. Picnic

I’ve even created a little video where I do a simple image crop with Picnic:

I haven’t had time to explore these web based image editors much, but it seems to me that they could become a tool for the truly mobile web designer.


Stefan Mischook