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Will the new skin be similar in layout to this one? I hope so - I really like it!


Hi, John! B)


It will have the same theme in terms of color and imagery. But, we will be stripping out the left side bar.


Doesn't matter though, you will be able to select the theme you like.



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Problem is - I do NOT see a little box.

I found it. Go to My Gallery in the left sidebar menu. Then click on your album. Then put a check in the little box that is in the top right corner of your image and select delete in the drop down below.

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Well, well. I go away for a few days and I come back and find another forum to add to my bookmark and yet everyone is here already.


Stefan is like Moses and the rest of us are like Hebrews following wherever he goes.



My take:


1. Ditched the left nav and move it to be a top nav.

2. When viewing the list of topics, I like to see the replies and views to be 2 lines instead of 4


Instead of:







...have it view like this:


9 replies



With no left nav, this will work.


3. I miss the date/timestamp for each of the categories on the initial landing page.


4. Not fond of the gallery images at the top. It's too large and takes up space thus I have to scroll down before I can read the first category. I rather see the 'Last 5 Posts' instead.


5. I don't like Andrea's new avatar! I think it should be an image of a bullwhip!!!! :D



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OK, replies to everyone on this thread…


Fixed/fixable issues:


Left green column:

Stefan has asked me to work on a theme that uses a horizontal main nave rather than this column, which will make things a bit easier for those who use resolutions like 1024x768 or similar. The current theme isn't going anywhere though, so you'll be able to choose whichever you like best.


Old posts (from the old forum) with code snippets being displayed improperly:

Yeah, it is an issue unfortunately. Apparently when the old database got converted code samples weren't always escaped correctly or something similar... I think the forums handle code embedded within posts differently. I can fix specific posts by editing each one manually (PM me if you notice anything), but I can't see doing that for all the thousands of old posts unfortunately. This shouldn't be an issue on new posts.


Mobile version of the site missing "active posts":



"Another strange happening, the "PHP or CSS?" post has a horizontal scrollbar to view the offscreen text, I haven't changed my settings from one post to another and all the other posts I read this morning were normal size."

I'm assuming you mean the code sample section scrolls… I've added some CSS code to automatically wrap extra long lines of text within the code blocks… let me know if that fixes things.


"The quoting doesn't want to work for me."

See an earlier post above where I explained this.


Gallery Images on home page:

I've removed this for now, but I'll move this section down to the bottom of the page in the near future.


Deleting Gallery Images:

I've moved the checkbox you need to use to make changes to the photos to below the picture, so hopefully that will make it a bit more user friendly. I'd love to be able to add "delete this image?" text or similar, but I don't want to mess with core functionality.


"Found something a little strange too, Mac using Firefox 3.5.8 the Add Reply button disappears on hover for a few seconds but comes back. It happens just the first time I open the forum afterwards it acts OK. "

I believe that's just an issue where the hover state image takes a moment to load, and the link text is white against a white background. I've tweaked the CSS so this should be less of an issue.

Unfixed or potentially unfixable issues:

"when I click the link to turn it into the full non mobile version, it does not remember my preference so I have to do that each time I visit."

That's core functionality that I can't really change unfortunately.


"I miss the date/timestamp for each of the categories on the initial landing page."

I haven't been able to figure this out just yet unfortunately. The alternative skin I am working on has this already though.


"Something else I notice as I type her e- I do NOT see my curser, which is very weird. I had to start typing to know where I am even at."

Is this just for "e" or for other letters too? For example, if my cursor is over the page (and I haven't selected a textarea) and I start typing, my cursor will disappear. But it appears and seems to work fine when I edit textareas. As far as I can tell, I can edit all text areas just fine… What browser are you using, and what operating system?


"When viewing the list of topics, I like to see the replies and views to be 2 lines instead of 4"

What browser/operating system are you using? I haven't run into this error yet - it appears on two lines for me.


"Had created my About Me page, but then wanted to go back in and edit. Even so my curser was somewhere in the middle, where I wanted to insert some text, it actually put it to the very beginning, and then would not let me delete. (I didn't save the update attempt). " and "Stef was asking me mper messages and I had the same iossue as Andre a in that editing my profile I could not edit what I saved or even let alone for a moment."

Which browser/operating system are you using? I haven't run into this issue yet.

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"When viewing the list of topics, I like to see the replies and views to be 2 lines instead of 4"

What browser/operating system are you using? I haven't run into this error yet - it appears on two lines for me.


This occurs in 1024 resolution. I also noticed in my profile area where there are two columns, my second column (the one on the right) does not fit thus it drops down below the left column but stays to the right. Here again it's probably because of the 1024 resolution.

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I've tweaked the settings on this skin -- narrowed the sidebar and changed some of the CSS -- so hopefully that will help. Realistically, it won't look quite as good on 1024x768 as on a larger resolution, but it should be a bit more usable now. I'm working on a new version of the skin without the left bar, so you may want to look at that once I get it finished.

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"Another strange happening, the "PHP or CSS?" post has a horizontal scrollbar to view the offscreen text, I haven't changed my settings from one post to another and all the other posts I read this morning were normal size."

I'm assuming you mean the code sample section scrolls… I've added some CSS code to automatically wrap extra long lines of text within the code blocks… let me know if that fixes things.


Yes it's fixed now.

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If we change Andrea's avatar toa whip ... then her name has to change, or at least her title, to "Domin" or maybe "Mistress Andrea".


I could go for a picture of her in Leather then as a new avatar! :P


What do YOU think luv?

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PS - this inability to edit is still there, see the toa above, I could not go back and insert a space, and only managed other changes by choosing "undo"... not a good thing in long posts like mine tend to be.

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If we change Andrea's avatar toa whip ... then her name has to change, or at least her title, to "Domin" or maybe "Mistress Andrea".


I could go for a picture of her in Leather then as a new avatar! :P


What do YOU think luv?


Now now. Your mind is in the gutter! I was thinking more like a Texas style bullwhippin', six-shootin' cowgirl.


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If we change Andrea's avatar toa whip ... then her name has to change, or at least her title, to "Domin" or maybe "Mistress Andrea".


I could go for a picture of her in Leather then as a new avatar! :P


What do YOU think luv?

Bad news - have not been able to find a leather halter top in my size.
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You are being strangely quiet about all the whip cracking jokes, or are you preparing a new avatar....?? :P


Actually - hubby and I were away celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this weekend, and I have a few other things (WEBSITES YEAH!!!) going on right now, so I'm slow catching up. Just now read this entire thread. Funny stuff!!


But about this pesky editing problem - I have it too - I cannot even edit the very post I'm typing, unless it's the last letters I wrote. (never mind, just now, that worked for the first time). I also like to quote and then delete all the stuff irrelevant to my response - that does NOT work. so for now, I post my reply-quote, the go to edit, where it lets me change things. On second thought, right now I am IN EDIT MODE, maybe that's why I could correct myself a couple lines up. I'll post and reply and see how an orginal reply acts. And I've only today updated to FX 3.62 but had the same issue before I updated.

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