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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. There are no Internet Police that will come knocking on your door if you use the Html you propose. In fact, for a horizontal row of links, that would be quite acceptable. Use : #footer p {} and #footer a {} to markup the text and links in the footer.
  2. Or, instead of a direct link to the pdf, a php script could be used to keep track of the downloads, but the backend stats is the easiest method.
  3. jlhaslip

    Weird Issue in FF

    Baffling is not quite the right word.
  4. try this out: ----------------------------------- ul#navlist li a#subcurrent { } ul#subnavlist1 a#subcurrent:link { font-weight: bold; color: #f00000; } ul#subnavlist1 li a#subcurrent:hover { color: #00d; } I only listed what I changed at the end of the css.
  5. Yes, indeed, use IE conditional comments like the following, except add the link tag with the IE specific CSS file named in the tag.
  6. Open Office will produce PDF format with ease.
  7. http://www.fegi.ru/geohtml/ It is an old software, but it works fine.
  8. Check out a Tag Cloud application?
  9. What was the fix (for the benefit of others...)
  10. Add this right after the Session_start: echo ''; Print_r($_FILES); echo ''; Add this before the insert: echo $fileName; echo $fileType; echo $fileSize; echo $fileTempPath; to check whether adding the mysql_real_escape_string is altering anything.
  11. I have an AEF Forum package installed into less than 20 Megs. (including the zip file and a database backup.) 35 users information including images. The DB size is only around 3.8 Megs and it has been up and running for about a year. Of course, there are Forums out there with 250,000 users and a couple million posts that are much larger. You really won't know until the Forum gets running, but plan on 50 Megs if that is available for disk Usage. Bandwidth is another matter. i don't recommend the free Forum Hosts because quite often they restrict the Theming, backups, etc so you are not able to administrate the Forum to its fullest capacity. And the Ads and such... [borderline spam] Remember we do not offer services here unless requested
  12. Take out the Image Check portion of the script for now and let the script focus on storing the Images. The Image check can be added back after successfully planting an image.
  13. Place the following rule on the Body: margin: 0 auto; and remove the margin-right: 26 px; from the wrapper to centre the site.
  14. Try utf-8 as a character set for multi-language support.
  15. Well, since png's fail in IE6, start with an image format that IE6 understands. Png is not one of them. Do you need opacity or transparency in the image? Can you use a gif or jpg instead?
  16. jlhaslip

    Text Indent

    Set a margin-left with class = indent
  17. Incidently, for the Linux users out there, look in your Multiverse for a KDE application named Baskets. It works similar to Evernote, but not quite as powerful. One major difference is the manner in which Evernote can read "text" from images. Basket is capable of that. You can create "baskets" for different projects/subjects and add links, text, notes, images and all kinds of stuff a lot like Evernote. Encryption is not available, either, but the price is certainly right. Free, of course. Same price as all the other Linux products.
  18. jlhaslip

    Make Div Link

    NavWrapper ul { height: 24px; } or adjust accordingly.
  19. Please be reminded that the http protocol includes sending the image information to the client requesting the image. That said, there is nothing you can do that will stop a devious client from capturing the image off the page. Disabling right click, transparent overlays, and other methods only defer the honest people. Any image on the web is available for capture. Many methods have been devised and they all fail. As noted above, a print screen and an Image program like Photoshop or GIMP will have the image captured in a flash. I appreciate that the purpose is to provide your potential clients with quality images on your Portfolio, and all that, but stopping them from 'snagging' the image in one form or another is not a valid request. Please re-consider the 'watermarking' of the images as the most effective method of deferring them from stealing the images. Another thing to consider is that you do not need to present the best quality shot on the web. Rather than providing a print quality image, reducing the quality to 'web quality' might be another approach to take. Considering Monitor display quality and Bandwidth are issues as well, you can drop the quality of the print so that it diplays best at a reduced size suitable for display, but not good enough as a print.
  20. Might also check to see what is available at http://cssplay.co.uk
  21. Set the margins/padding on the H1 to zero and see what happens. h1 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } Or the ul... ul { margin:0; padding:0; } Many of us use a Universal reset on the entire set of elements like so: * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
  22. You have not posted the entire code block, but from what i see, there is only one comment I would make. The Mail function needs to be performed only if there is no input in the 'hidden' field. // call success or error js functions if ( $_POST['to_address'] ) { echo 'Tastes Like spam!'; } else { $success = true; mail($EmailTo, $Subject, $Body, "From: "); } if ($success){ print "doThanks()"; } else{ print "doError()"; } ?> You could also tighten up the code by moving the ajax calls into the If-else above them.
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