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Everything posted by virtual

  1. Sounds a little a win win situation for them, a domain name is only about $10 a year, I bet their hosting charge largely covers that. But then you don't even own the domain name and have to buy it back, that's really OTT. I would steer way clear of that and so should your friend.
  2. I would be wary of the Google Translate, as sometimes when you translate it back you get surprises.
  3. If their request is detailed then a detailed reply is necessary, but if they are rather vague about their requirements then I give them a standard per page quote subject to further discussion to determine their needs.
  4. virtual


    IE requires the space after the ) on background images. Not sure if IE8 has fixed this or not.
  5. virtual

    The Olympics

    Ah yes, but remember the former Governor in question was a specialist in international affairs because of her proximity to Russia, which I believe she watched every day...!!!
  6. The site you are referring to is Flash. For your logo you could use Flash or alternatively you could use an animated gif to make the stars twinkle.
  7. You do not need to delete the old file if the name of it was the same as the new one you are uploading. The new one will overwrite the older file. Make sure that when you resave as .html and .txt is not being added as well. Sometimes the extra .txt extension is hidden. When you write your .html page, you do not have to change it back to .txt to edit the page. Just right click the .html file and open with TextEdit, NotePad or whatever it is you use.
  8. @JemsRoker This post is even older than the other one you answered?
  9. You are replying to a post which is already 2 weeks old. I think that if Granny had not found the solution she would have posted back here and then your comment might have been of some use.
  10. Fantastic Eric, I often have to do sites in different languages. Just a question, what happens if they have javascript disabled?
  11. The answer is kind of in the question. Min-height stipulates the minimum height the div can be, it can be longer but not shorter, doesn't work in IE6 though. Height is an absolute size, the div will be the given height, no longer or shorter. If your text or whatever in that div is going to expand it is not a good idea. If it's for a header that is not going to change then it's fine to give it a height.
  12. For me if it's a tutorial site, the only images that I want to see are those relevant to the tutorial screen capture and/or demos. Anything else is just eye candy and distracting. However when I was younger and studying for exams I would always have music or TV going on in the background as it forced my mind to focus on what I was studying, silence made my mind wander off topic. Sounds paradoxical, but it worked for me!
  13. Thanks Ben, I did see the post but I am 8 hours ahead of you so it was too late for me to try it out. Tried that and it doesn't close out the two divs. I also tried this and it didn't work either - this is why I hate PHP, I just don't get it... echo " Please hit the Back button Please Enter a valid e-mail address\n";$badinput = " Your email was NOT sent Use browser back button \n";$closedivs = "
  14. Hey Eric, don't get your knickers in a twist. :/ If you read my posts you would understand that I don't know what the heck I'm doing when it comes to PHP, so I can't even begin to hack away at the premade script because I barely understand it. I drop it in and hope for the best. As I said previously feel free to change or correct whatever, but please explain it like you were talking to a 2 year old.... well maybe a little older than that!
  15. @Ben, forget about the footer, how do I close the divs that are contained in the code I posted after each error message? @Eric, if I knew how to do that I wouldn't be asking daft questions here. I'm just using a premade script from here http://www.ibdhost.com/contact/
  16. No I'm not yet using includes as I am still building out the site. It actually doesn't matter too much if it doesn't show the footer on the error message but it is not closing out the message and content div either which is more important as the design looks incomplete. That's why I thought an "if else" would be better, but as I said I have taken 3 classes in PHP and never finished any of them, I'm a complete right brainer....
  17. Well, that didn't work. Can you please insert in my code what I'm supposed to do, like I was a 2 year old, I really don't understand this PHP stuff. Thanks
  18. Just to be sure, so I have to put the closing content div, message div and then the footer div in each of the error messages before the "die"? Then also leave it at the end so that when the script reads correctly it will close the divs and add the footer? Ben I just got the 180 second wait thing again...
  19. I have a php code that does not show the footer unless the message is correct and gets sent. If there is an error in filling in the fields the code does not show the footer. I know I have to put an 'else' statement in there, but I have no idea how. If there is any bad code in there please feel free to correct it, I am a PHP idiot.... $ip = $_POST['ip']; $httpref = $_POST['httpref']; $httpagent = $_POST['httpagent']; $visitor = $_POST['visitor']; $visitormail = $_POST['visitormail']; $notes = $_POST['notes']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; if (eregi('http:', $notes)) { die ("Do NOT try that! ! "); } if(!$visitormail == "" && (!strstr($visitormail,"@") || !strstr($visitormail,"."))) { echo "Please hit the Back buttonPlease Enter a valid e-mail address\n"; $badinput = "Your email was NOT sent\n"; echo $badinput; die (" Use browser back button !"); } if(empty($visitor) || empty($visitormail) || empty($phone) || empty($notes )) { echo "Please hit the Back button - fill in all fields\n"; die (" Use browser back button !"); } THIS IS WHERE I NEED THE STATEMENT TO MAKE IT GO TO THE END AND THEN READ THE FOOTER $todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ; $phone = $phone; $notes = stripcslashes($notes); $message = " $todayis [EST] \n Message: $notes \n From: $visitor ($visitormail)\n Referral : tenerifebusinessinformation \n "; $from = "From: $visitormail\r\n"; mail("lynne.mb@gmail.com", $subject, $message, $from); ?> Thank you for expressing your interest in Tenerife Business Information. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you get started on your new or existing project. Below is the information you entered on our form, we will contact you soon. Once again Thank You and we look forward to working with you. Phone Number: Message: ", $notes); echo $notesout; ?> Return to Home Page
  20. I don't have any anti-virus software on my Macs, but I absolutely do on the PC side . Malicious hackers want to infect as many people as possible so they write programs for PC's not for the smaller population of Mac owners. Having said that it is possible, but I have never had a problem.
  21. Firefox 3.6 has lots of problems, but great if it works for you.
  22. Try filing a bug report with bugzilla, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided I have reported an issue with Firefox 3.6 which doesn't open any local .html or .php files.
  23. Yes, they are completely separate. My Mac has an access problem to the built in Apache server and after a lot of help from Apple support we determined that the best solution was MAMP. So they can run side by side no problem. In fact I prefer MAMP because it is easier to install and everything is all in the same place
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