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what do you think of this CSS book


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I'm new to web programming. I learned basic HTML tags using w3schools website. It was easy to grasp and simple but I did not build any good looking web pages just basic text, images, and hyper links. Now, I want to learn CSS to build good looking (real world) web pages. I did a search on amazon and I found that this book has good reviews

CSS the missing manual


I'd like to hear from you guys if you recommend this book or other books to start with.


Thanks for your help,

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Books get outdated fast and cannot be corrected when they are flat out wrong.


Use web sites like W3schools.com, they can stay up to date.


The problem with w3schools is that it does not teach how to think of a web page. It just explains what each tag does in plain English. For me, I think this is not enough to build a good web page. I want to learn how to put things together

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