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Everything posted by BeeDev

  1. If you can echo the data from the database, then just echo it into a You may need to code it like: just to give you an idea.
  2. If you have MySQL server you don't really need to Export your data, you can just use the same database on the new website?
  3. I've never heard/seen these things ur mentioning. Could you please provide the links to the download page/demo pages ?
  4. BeeDev

    mp3 player

    www.ja ngo.com [remove spaces] this website has a full Javascript mp3 player. I wonder how they did it. You have to search for an artist first before you can see the player though.
  5. Afraid that JS they gave you will only work in case that you were using JS to switch the tabs. However seeing as you're implementing the switching using pure HTML/CSS I cannot see a way currently. How flexible are you in using a framework such as jQuery? If you can use jQuery then i suggest you have a look at the Tabs plugin: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/ If you use this to switch your tabs, then u won't even need to worry about the browser's history as the script automatically cancels the default action of any tab headers (links).
  6. on the Second tab "Gallery", inside the Tab2 Content there's a Div with ID = "gallery", it's width is set to 700px and also 10px padding on all sides. That makes that div 720px wide, where the container is only 660px wide with 20px on each side. So you should set your width to 640px if you want 10px padding. Same thing applies to tabs 3 and 4 i think. There's some div's inside those tabs that are too wide for the container. Hope that helps, by the way really nice website, all the best.
  7. After failed IE6, IE7 and IE8 one would hope that Microsoft would just give up and accept that they can't make a compliant browser .... after 10 years of trying please just give up Microsoft!
  8. Your div#nav-strip is overlapping div.column on that "Call (250) 748-0301" bit of text. I'm guessing your menu is being pushed down by the Margin of Call (250) 748-0301
  9. I just checked that page you linked above on Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 6 & 8. They all look the same. The data table is not spilling under the navigation bar.
  10. Does your navigation bar or content bar have float:right or float:left properties? And if they do, do they have margins? If they have margins try to put: display:inline on those elements. That should fix it.
  11. http://www.pedalolimited.com/jqlib/jquery.slideviewer/ I made one too But this is a re-worked version of a plugin made originally by someone else, if you understand jQuery by any chance, then you can use it very easily
  12. I'm no wiseguy, but I see that each container div is positioned absolutely. But there's no left, top, bottom, right offsets/coordinates set. But instead you used Margins to offset these divs. You have to understand the CSS Box model. That every block element (div, p, style="display:block" etc) stacks on top of each other from top to bottom. Inline elements (span, a, style="display:inline" etc) stack from left to right. Absolute Positioned elements do not follow the above rules. So you don't really need to position your divs absolutely, as they should be stacking on top of each other anyway by default. However, if you must absolutely position elements, they are supposed to be positioned using the left or right or top or bottom coordinates, and not by Margins.
  13. Image unproperly exported will do this sometimes. I had an issue where a "Print" designer (Not a Web Designer) was supplying me images for a website. Most of them didn't work because it wasn't exported for the Web. So these images couldn't be rendered by a browser. But mostly it happens that IE cannot render such images (is anyone surprised?). however i found that Firefox renders these images without a problem. If you find that Firefox is not rendering them either, then it's a whole other issue there.
  14. You have to make another function called setAI which "sets" a value to that newly created House object. getAI should be only GETting a value, and not SETting one. public function setAI($photo_AI) { $this->AI=$photo_AI; return true; } and you getAI function shouldn't be taking $photo_AI parameter because it won't need it. Your getAI function should look like this public function getAI() { return $this->AI; } you may want to make a "constructor" function, which automatically runs when you create a new object. Read about it here: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/1732/new-oop-php-question/
  15. The focus() function after the alerts were sending the form. Removed them and made some changes, and it works function validate(form){ var returnValue = true; var email = form.email.value; var phone = form.phoneNumber.value; var groupName = form.workshopName.value; if (email.length < 6){ returnValue = false; alert("Please Enter Valid email"); } if (phone.length < 10){ returnValue = false; alert("Please Enter Valid Phone Number"); } if (groupName.length < 3){ returnValue = false; alert("Please Enter Valid Workshop/Region"); } return returnValue; } If anyone's got an explanation why the focus() method sends a form, then please shed some light
  16. This question is like asking random people in the street: "Hey what colour should I paint my car next?"
  17. BeeDev


    Well another option is to create a different variable each time. Mailme1, Mailme2, Mailme3 etc, that way your variables won't get overwritten. Edit: Sorry on my original post I forgot the single quotes. Here's the revised version: Note the single quotes before and after "+Mailme+"
  18. BeeDev


    I think it's happening because you're setting onclick="parent.location=Mailme" and not an actual e-mail address. Everytime the script runs that sets the email, it will overwrite the previous Mailme variable. So when the browser finishes rendering that page, var Mailme will have treasurer@holytrinity-madeira.org. However if you do document.write("onclick=\"parent.location="+Mailme+"\"> "); It should fix the mail problem. However it still doesn't fix the Mac problem, it seems like a Javascript issue, Mac's don't understand parent.location or something, not really sure what the problem is as I'm on a PC.
  19. Try splitting out the dice rolling, the image changing, and script source changing, and question generating functions to each of their own functions. At the moment, the script's source changes at least 5-6 times after u click "Roll Dice" and it's not very efficient. Also while the script's source is changing the function generate_questions() is also being called again 5-6 times. Try to think of a better way to do it.
  20. Someone should move this topic to PHP
  21. That function is useless to you. And that on action {loaded()} is not a piece of code. It's just saying to call loaded() function on some action. like: Loaded() So now only one of your functions should change. Remember, that instead of changing source of the script element, we're trying to delete and create a new script element instead. So only your showdice() function will change from: function showdice() { d1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); document.images['d1'].src='images/functiondicegk'+d1+'.gif'; d2=Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); document.images['d2'].src='images/diffdice'+d2+'.gif'; document.getElementById('script1').src='quizgk/'+d1+''+d2+'.js'; dq=(Math.floor(Math.random()*5+1)); generatequestions(); } to (Not Tested or debugged): function showdice() { d1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); document.images['d1'].src='images/functiondicegk'+d1+'.gif'; d2=Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); document.images['d2'].src='images/diffdice'+d2+'.gif'; //remove the old script var removeElement = document.getElementById('script1'); removeElement.parentNode.removeChild(removeElement); //create the new script and append it to the head newElement = document.createElement("script"); newElement.src = 'quizgk/'+d1+''+d2+'.js'; newElement.type = "text/javascript"; newElement.id = "script1"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(newElement); dq=(Math.floor(Math.random()*5+1)); generatequestions(); }
  22. I've just tested your page on Internet Explorer 8, and it definetely loads the correct JS file and provides the correct Question and choices. Your problem only seems to affect Mozilla based browsers, as mentioned on link on the above post. So you're almost there mate, just need to tweak the script so that it *deletes* the Let me know what happens then. All the best, Bee.
  23. set_name and set_height functions should not be returning values. They should return true or false in case of success of setting or failure. However, on the other hand, get_ functions should always return a value. But really it's up to you to make the decision on whether a function should set or get a value, or do both. The point is to adapt to your specific need.
  24. Padding and Margin is not usually included in a Block element's width and height. You have to count it in, and calculate how much space is left within the container to set for the next floated element.
  25. As mentioned here : http://forums. mozillazine. org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=48738&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a Try removing the old script with id=script1 and creating a new script element with same id with a different source. This might be the answer to your problems
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