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Everything posted by virtual

  1. Try changing the positioning of your background image to body { background: url(http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/3985/bg364.gif) #2c2c2c no-repeat 0 0; }
  2. Personally I find counters tacky and outdated. If you don't have many visitors to your site you are advertising that fact with the counter, not very encouraging for people who might be interested in your site. Read this article http://www.killersites.com/articles/articles_dosAndDontsWebDesign.htm
  3. You have several different problems going on here besides what Andrea told you This is because you have this code at the beginning of your CSS * {margin: 0; padding: 0;} This means that you will have to add margins and padding to anything that needs it as you have effectively removed the default margins and paddings of the different browsers. So in your http://www.ohka.org/media-journal.html page you have ul class="idTabs2" with no css styling, thus no margin and no padding then your .idTabs2 li tags have only 5px of padding bottom. You will have to increase the padding to give these items the space which you previously removed. You should have floated the left and right columns both left, next to each other respecting the width of the container. As it is the left div overlaps the right div and to compensate for this you have added negative margins. Also be aware that IE6 has a a bug which doubles margins on floated elements. P.S. You still have not corrected the issue you were having with the menu, http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/2708/zooming-problem-with-main-menu/ for which Wickham and I both gave you a solution.
  4. Have you tried the following, you can remove the side arrows and just use the tabs at the top as menu links http://www.ndoherty.biz/demos/coda-slider/1.1.1/#1
  5. Maybe you didn't understand what Wickham was telling you, change your body code to this body { background-image:url(images/body_bg.png); font-family:Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif; margin:0; padding:10px; } which will give you the 10px space at the top of the container Then change the container div to this #container { background-color:#F8F6E9; margin:0 auto; padding:10px; width:800px; } The margin: 0 auto will center your container div on any width of page
  6. Usually only one if the site is not too complicated, with perhaps a separate stylesheet for Internet Explorer. If the site is complicated, then the above and perhaps another stylesheet for a gallery page or a multi level drop down menu. But then I don't do huge sites, so let's hear what others have to say.
  7. You can also delete margin-left in the #navigation ul and replace with float: right; However you will need to add some padding to the #navigation tag as the menu hides under the logo when you zoom in. The #navigation tag has no css styling only the margin, padding 0 inherited from the body tag. Tested only in Firefox.
  8. I couldn't see your page, it said the link was brokend but your disappearing background image maybe because you are testing in Internet Explorer and it requires you leave a space between the bracket and the no-repeat. e.g. background:#303123 url(../images/bg_web.gif) no-repeat;
  9. Your menu is fine it is just hiding behind the Flash .swf The solution is to use WMode in Flash as explained in the following article http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14201.html
  10. You will have to give your text file the extension .html to open it in a browser. Be careful with whatever text editor you are using that it does not add both extensions .txt and .html.
  11. P.S. I noticed that you have that unstyled top_content tag on other pages, the height attributed to it might impact those pages, you will need to check.
  12. I have no clue about Javascript, but I did notice that you have named var taxt=""; shouldn't this be var text="";
  13. I found the answer to your problem, you have a div tag called top_content in the html with no css. If you add a height of 306px to this tag your page shows correctly in all browsers, except IE6 where you have a double margin bug on your floated left, middle and right _tags, you can fix this with a conditional comment or an !important hack. I think your site looks very professional, however the coding is very strange. The lack of an h1 tag will negatively affect SEO. In the floated boxes you should not use for spacing these should be unordered lists. The CSS is very difficult to comprehend due to the excessive use of div tags. It can be simplified by styling regular html tags. Happy New Year to you too.
  14. I would suggest WordPress if you are a newbie. Read this thread which explains a little more about it. http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/2657/beginner-questions/
  15. In your graphics program you will need to save all your images optimized for the web to reduce the file size.
  16. Make margin-top: 5px; in footer_banner will cure your problem in Safari and Opera on Mac. On PC Chrome, Safari and IE8 are OK, you will need to add maybe another pixel for IE7, and in IE6 the whole thing falls apart anyway.
  17. Very briefly, if you make your design in Photoshop or in Fireworks it is just one big image. This mockup is very useful so that you have something tangible you can show a client, that he can approve or modify, before you get into the actual coding of the site. To make the image functional in a website, you then need to slice up the different parts that you are going to use for different elements in your website. For example, the main background image, if it not just a colour, would be separate from the images that you would use for the header, footer or for navigational purposes. File size is also important, and each image that you use on the web should be saved "optimized for the web".
  18. Google sometimes take time to remove the warning. One of my clients who is on his own server was hacked, he has no idea how, and it took Google over a week to remove the warning.
  19. Maybe this article will help you understand http://www.googleguide.com/google_works.html Personally I never use the www it is kind of obsolete.
  20. I ran a check to see who hosts your site through who-hosts dot com and their answer was host-care dot com, I then tried to go to the hosting site but it wouldn't show up. Then I ran it through whoishostingthis dot com and their answer was hostdime dot com. I don't know much about problems like this but maybe the discrepancy has something to do with your problems.
  21. Ok, I have changed the following on your version http://tiny.cc/vbw71 to make the ul li tag sit within the image. I have not tried it in IE so you might want to check that. Remove the background image from the .navbox h3 tag and add padding:0 10px; (to position your H tag) On the #nav tag add background:transparent url(../images/papertop.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 0; On .navbox add background:transparent url(../images/paperbottom.gif) repeat-y scroll 0 0; padding-bottom:50px;
  22. If you don't know how to clear your browser cache, just refresh your page several times till it shows up right.
  23. If I have understood correctly, I got your torn top image to show in Firefox by inverting the background images and adding some padding. I changed the following in .navbox h3: background:transparent url(../images/paperbottom.gif) no-repeat scroll left bottom; padding:10px 0 50px 10px; and this in .navbox background:transparent url(../images/papertop.gif) no-repeat scroll left top; padding:2px 0 0;
  24. Use a Wordpress template, it has all the functions you need and there are plenty of choices of templates.
  25. I should try that out, I always just make my own layout in Photoshop and then cut it up for the background images.
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