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Everything posted by LSW

  1. LSW

    IE6 and 5.5

    IE5.5? You are sure clients still use that? Tell them to upgrade or use a different browser. IE 5.5 is something like 10 years old, there is no excuse to be using it. It is pre-CSS, that is why is looks different. IE5.5 does not understand much CSS and no modern CSS2 and it did not exist then. Microsoft no longer supports IE5.5., it is neither updated or further brought up to speed. It is dead. It cannot be that any developer be expected to support a dead browser. You would not expect to be able to go to Ford and have them be producing parts for a Model T would you? We waste enough time trying to get things working right in a piece of junk like IE6 to spend time on a browser that does not even support modern standards. I would literally charge them more for that kind of support. About the only way to make a web site for IE5.5 and below is to create a second site free of standards, CSS and using tables and all the HTML Tags that the W3C has retired over the last 10 years.
  2. You can do a search fro free script libraries where you can get a hit counter. But ask yourself if you need one? All pay hosts and most free hosts offer some form of statistics on the back side of the web site. That is all you need. Hit counters up front and visible look bad and unprofessional. Especially for newer sites they highlight the fact that few come to the site suggesting it is not worth the visit. Nobody really cares what number they are or how many come there. They include every hit you make checking your corrections etc, so are inflated. Back end statistics usually ignore you and show unique hits and not repeat hits to the same page just because someone is backing out or returning to the index page to go somewhere else. You want ubique hits to each page. They are really not a good idea to use.
  3. LSW

    Make Div Link

    That flicker is because your on such an OLD browser... maybe it was just the Hamster powering everything, he stumbled. I use IE7 on Vista... course my Malamute has to power that!!!!! Things a frigging resource slug.
  4. Did they win the court case? Some woman sued them because of Copyright infractions copying her site. It was a private site for abused women or something. Never heard anymore about it after the originally took it to court. They have not right to copy her content. I don't mind, I think it is kind of funny actually looking at my first work.
  5. You mean? *.asp.php Likely why the page is not working. You can however use PHP with .NET aka ASP pages, but not sure how it works.
  6. LSW

    Make Div Link

    1. No, not as a background. It has to be an image. 2. Make the LI a block level element in the CSS. Check out Listamatic for ideas
  7. Black & White Hugh? I even know a good theme song for you. OK, Back on subject!
  8. MadameBlack has Blue/Green hair? What is wrong with this picture?
  9. My right click article under JavaScript explains about ways to beat these things... in the end the image is automatically downloaded to my hard drive when I open the page... regardless of what you do (minus Flash) I already have the image if I can see it. Just most people do not realize it and this trick is for those not computer savvy enough, hence my calling it a trick. By the way, I like the Avatar Meagan.
  10. Speak for themselves. Alien vs. Predator
  11. One trick and it is just a trick... Create a clear GIF the exact size of the image. Place the image as the background and the clear GIF as the image over it. Give it the same name as the background (only as a GIF). Now when a Fly by grabber comes by and snatches it with a right click, they get the clear gif. They can still go into the code to get the real image path... but hey, they have to remember where it was, which page and which image... so it can help sticking it to the fly by grabbers. But Flash is a better bet.
  12. I believe I have seen it mentioned... but it is not important. Try to Validate 100%, but if Flash stops that, Oh well. Better that the flash works cross browser than that it validates. In Flash's case it is not a show stopper or problem if it breaks validation and no one will ding you for it if they know what they are doing.
  13. You can use RBG numbers in Photoshop. CMYK is for print, those are Ink colors. Monitors only use Red Blue and Green... RBG ColorZilla
  14. Ok, that is possible. I was thinking Native to iPhone. That is why I will likely go with the iPhone of I can over the LG Vu, more app support.
  15. Drupal is a CMS, Content Management System. You create a template and the user can add, delete or update pages from their browser or any browser on the internet. No special tools or knowledge, it is all already set in the template. Drupal is Enterprise Class, it is very good for what it does... but it is meant for bug complicated web sites. You sound like CMS Made Simple or Wordpress would be enough. But there are others... CMS (Content Management System) : Accessibility Q2 - No. You can add Flash elements into the HTML and it will work fine. But it does not handle full Flash sites. For that the user has to know flash to make changes or the developer good enough to put all important info into a database so content can be edited but new pages and links etc. require new movies and you will have to do all that. Just one of the many reasons Full Flash web sites are a bad idea.
  16. Anny color picker should do the job, there are some for Firefox. Also of you open the page, the colors must be defined in either the HTML or CSS. You could look for it there.
  17. Minus Flash right? Honestly I had a quick look at my site and that has been it... my wife uses it to check web mail and weather, but that is about it so far.
  18. Are you seriously trying to create web pages with it? I like the enlarge feature for blowing up text and the larger buttons for doing things... AT&T has unlimited Data, but no G3 in Alaska yet, but pretty fast still. If you order online with a 2 year contract you can get a refurbished iPhone for $99. Or an LG Vu for free which is the next best thing... also touch screen. Then there is the Sampson Eternity... but that is $199. I like the LG Vu better than the Eternity.
  19. It's frustrating as I could not find anything on my Blog either... my memory is getting worse than I thought. Hoped the meds would help.
  20. Unless your on a windows server, then it does not want index, it looks for default.html... default.asp etc. Other wise the name is likely the issue. Another possibility is that your editopr tacked on a new ending, notepad likes to do that. index.html.txt, get rid opf any extra endings.
  21. Now that it is in my head, my reply would be to Thelma: LOL (if you are scratching your head, I posted the starting Lyrics to the Mercenaries 2 theme song in another post today so now the song is in my head... "There will be nothing to look at... Oh No! Oh No! OH NO!") *snicker*
  22. Free hosts usually tack on tacky advertising that can ruin a site, best always to pay. Everytime I see this threads title I start singing the theme song to the "Mercenaries 2" video game commercials...
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