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Everything posted by newseed

  1. Have you looked into Bootstrap? It uses HTML5 and CSS3 and comes with tons of ready made features. It's a bit overwhelming when you review that site but over time you start to appreciate what it can deliver.
  2. I too recommend the tool from interconnect. It's simply just one php file that you run, set up your db info and define a search query to find and replace. I currently use the 2.1.0 stable version. I have not tried the 3.0 beta version and probably won't until it releases the stable version. 2.1.0 works flawlessly for me.
  3. The new Firefox 30.0 has been released along with Firebug 2.0. Unfortunately, some of you may experience Firebug tool not working. The issue is caused by 'lazy oval optimization' via in Firefox. The solution is do one of the 3 following options: 1. Revert Firefox back to previous version. 2. Upgrade Firefox to 31.0 ALPHA or 3. (my preferred choice) Uninstall Firebug 2.0; close and restart Firefox. Go here to download the previous version of Firebug (1.12.8 - down near the bottom of the page). Install it via using Firefox add-on installer. If you have auto updates turned on, you may want to disable that temporarily until the new Firefox 31.0 comes out or else Firebug may update the 1.12.8 version to 2.0
  4. I think you mean msvcr110.dll ('c' instead of 'x') First I would do is make sure you have your OS fully updated via Windows Update. Here's the file if the update does not resolve your problem: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr110 or http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679# Here's a tool that you can use to fix such problems: http://www.helpcomp.com/help/pc/f-msvcr110.dll.php?keyword=msvcr110.dll&c1=e&c=15974036919&p=1o1&gclid=CJ_dvsax7b4CFaY-MgodRAcALA
  5. I don't have much time but I think the first problem you are having is that when you click Home that it goes back to your original static home page. You have a index.html and it will read it first before the index.php. You can simply just rename your old index.html. I assume this is your issue.
  6. It's definately done using what looks like Lo-Dash (lodash.com) scripting. First I've heard of it.
  7. Bummer. Going to have one built.
  8. Take a look at this slider (?): http://www.jcrew.com/ I am trying to locate a script similar to that. I looked at their code but I could not determine if they built this themselves or not. Thanks.
  9. Do you mean something like this? http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/ If you mean a text scroller that is separate from a slideshow then yes you can have both. Just google them.
  10. newseed

    Fixed Header

    Thanks Ben. Just what I am looking for.
  11. newseed

    Fixed Header

    Please view this page: jayfastener.com Look at the header. There is a small section containing the company info (i.e email, phone, etc) and over to the far right is 'My Cart'. Below is the logo and horizontal menu. Now scroll up while watching the header change paying particular close attention to how the email, contact, my cart disappears thus leaving only the logo and menu fixed to the top. I know how to do a fixed header but I just don't know how to do it like that one. Anyone know of a short but effective tutorial on how to do that? I tried grabbing the code from that blog but it was too cumbersome and I could never get it work.
  12. No biggie but just in case you are curious, here's the link: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/flyout2.html
  13. If my memory serves me correctly, I think that code came from Stu at cssplay.com where flyouts didn't work for IE7 or earlier unless that comment was in there. I know it's weird but it did work and without it just broke. Of course that flyout example is long gone but I bet if I dug through all my old codes I could find it.
  14. check your mouse pointer settings via control panel. Just pick one of the other types of pointers and then switch back. If that fails, reboot.
  15. Did I say 56? Oh I meant 26. Been that age for 30 years.
  16. You are right, it's really not a place for religious discussion. However, your answer is in Genesis 1:3-4. As for my age, I hit 56 this year but there are times I feel like 16 and other times like 106. My wife certainly keeps my heart young.
  17. We can best determine how old everyone is by what each one of us believe in. If you believe in Creation then you can't be more than 6000 years old. However, if you believe in Evolution then you are at the very least a few billion years old. I don't know about the rest of you but I know for certain that I am not that old.
  18. newseed

    Ie Problem

    UPDATE 2: One thing you can try is to set that left column <aside id="left"> to have a min-height: 10px; and then you can remove that margin-left: 150px; from your #organizers #content css. Since <aside> has nothing inside it then it has no height thus your main content will shift over to the left which is the reason why I suggested to use min-height. As to why it behaved differently for your work computer is beyond me but maybe for some reason it sense there was a 1px height which caused is push over to the right more than desired.
  19. newseed

    Ie Problem

    UPDATE: I just tested this on browserstack for IE11 using Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and they look fine. I also notice that the Windows 8 test option did not give me an option to test for IE11. Not sure why though because I can test IE11 for Windows 8.1. I wonder, check to see what OS version is being used for the one that is not working right for you.
  20. newseed

    Ie Problem

    I get similar issues like this with IE11. It looks fine on my computer but sometimes a client or two will says it's not displaying correctly. I have no clue why and I failed to ask what version of OS they are using but I really think IE11 has some issues. So far to date, I have about 2 people I know reverting back to IE10 and quite frankly I really don't like IE11 from a developer perspective. I will run a browserstack test for you.
  21. I remember eating potatoes! Is that a long time ago?
  22. When Stef uses a photo to make himself look younger you have to know for certain that dirt is younger than he is.
  23. Oh the hacks! I sometimes felt so dirty using them. You would think that over time hacks would be behind us but it isn't so. I found issues with IE11 how it displays certain elements. Almost everyone I know does not particularly like IE11 as much as IE10. Perfection is still a long way off.
  24. Let's hope that holds true about Windows 9... Windows 95 = not good Windows 98 = good Windows ME = not good Windows XP = good Windows Vista = not good Windows 7 = good Windows 8 = not good Windows 9 = ?? See a pattern here?
  25. 2006? Hmm...what was I doing back in those web-historical days? Oh yes...trying to wean myself away from tables.
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