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  1. That sucks and it is a rip. I wouldn't expect a full upgrade discount from CS2 .. but at least something!?
  2. You can't just link to the mp3 file? ... I guess the client want's an inline player. Stefan
  3. Hi, We have a different angle about our shopping cart, we actually teach you how to build it. So while you get a functional shopping cart, you also get the training that will allow to build your own shopping cart and expand it. ... We use PHP. And yes, you get all the source code with it. Stefan
  4. All I can suggest is Drupal ... but with Drupal's power, comes configuration. Joomla is in fact based on Drupal (a simplified version) so Drupal may not be for you. I know that these CMS' have much of, if not all that you want in terms of functionality, but you will have to configure and tweak. The good thing about both Joomla and Drupal, is that they each have a big community that you can leverage. Learning PHP helps ... You probably need to learn some basic php because both these products are made with PHP and advanced configuration will probably be helped if you know your way around PHP ... even just a little. Stefan
  5. The easiest program out there to create an animated gif that I know of is XARA. Go to xara.com. And just for the record, the website you mentioned (with the animated gifs) is so 1995-1996 it ain't funny. Boy does that bring back memories! And with that in mind, you might want to read our series of articles on basic design principles. Stefan
  6. Hmm ... It appears the Firefox version you are running has a bug. Stefan
  7. Hi, To answer your questions: No. Once a script executes it is dumped. ... although it is probably a good idea to free up resources as soon as you can. Contrast this to Java, where you should explicitly free up resources ... even though there is garbage collection. Use php session. That is to say, stick them in session. You should take a look at our PHP shopping cart video course because it covers these kinds of things. In fact the Shopping cart screencast is really a vehicle to teach a little bit more advanced PHP. Stefan
  8. I was thinking the same. Man, I have to tell you, this new text editor rocks. .. So much easier to post. Stefan
  9. OK, since everyone seems to be into it, I will get the chat installed. Stefan
  10. You mean the skin that is now called 'Killersites Sidebar'? Stefan
  11. Yes, I do have a dedicated site for templates but I've basically decided to let it go and concentrate things here. I just makes sense to me to integrate the communities ... Stefan
  12. It might help if you gave us some detail ...?
  13. Why do you want to send it? We need a better outline of your intentions ...
  14. You will be fine as far as Google is concerned. Some web standards zealots might have kittens ... but the important audiences (web browsers and Google) will not be bothered. Stefan
  15. I appreciate the feedback. Shorthand css makes sense ... I think we have videos on that somewhere around here. In terms of cooking, I can teach you how to order an all-dressed pizza. Stef
  16. Hi, I noticed that several regular members are online at the same time during the day, we have the option of enabling a chat function in the community/forum ... you know, click on a button and invite other members to chat real-time. ... Anyway, let me know if any of you think they might use it. Stefan
  17. At this time, we now have three forum skins you can select from (drop-down at the bottom of the page): Killersites Sidebar Killersites Liquid Killersites Mobile If you have a low resolution screen (1024x768 or smaller) then use the Killersites Liquid (this is a more traditional looking forum skin), otherwise, the Killersites Sidebar is nice. If you are on a mobile device, use the Killersites Mobile skin. We are still working on the bugs so let us know if you find any. Stefan
  18. That's how you degrade your javascript properly: ... when users hit a page that requires javascript, to say view menus, the menus should default to being open, so those with javascript turned off, can still access the contents of the menus. Stefan
  19. Ahh ... so this overlapping by the profile box only happens when you mouse over it and open it up .... right? Or is the profile box stuck in an open position? ... That, I don't think we can do much about it - that drop-down have to go somewhere. Stef
  20. administrator

    PHP session

    Hi, If you store multiple pieces of information in a PHP session, you need to use a loop to display them all: <?php session_start(); // loop through the session with foreach foreach($_SESSION as $key=>$value) { // print out the values stored in session echo 'The value of $_SESSION['."'".$key."'".'] is '."'".$value."'".' <br />'; } ?> And on each page, you would use the session to store the user visit to the page. I just looked at the code I used in my first answer and there is an error ... I wrote: session_start(); $_SESSION['pages'] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // store session data echo "Pages Visited = ". $_SESSION['pages']; //display pages visited ?> You need to give each session entry it's own key: session_start(); $_SESSION['$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]'] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // store session data echo "Pages Visited = ". $_SESSION['pages']; //display pages visited ?> .. Sorry about that, sometimes I make silly mistakes when writing quickly and I also mix things up from language to language.
  21. Interesting, so we know now that the sidebar skin was causing the problem .... Hmmm. And of course, some people like the first skin and some prefer the second ... everything is normal! Stefan
  22. Can you post a screenshot? Stefan
  23. It could be Javascript security issue with Safari ... it is hard to say though without testing. I would first see if you can reproduce the problem; that means getting someone else with a Mac and try it. Another example btw, where learning Javascript can come in handy ... even with basic web design. Stefan
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