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Everything posted by administrator

  1. You may be able to reproduce most of these effects using the JQuery library - you will have to research that a little. Wordpress is a blog tool and so it will not help with the widget you are looking to create. Finally, unless you can find a prefabricated widget that does much of what you want, I wonder if it can be pulled off with only 15 hrs of work. ... You might with prefabricated components .. but to do it from scratch? Stefan
  2. Hi, If you are having a hard time with Javascript, it is likely because of having missed some basic concepts in Javascript. Check out my site dedicated to teaching basic Javascript and JQuery - there are many free videos: http://www.killerjavascript.com/ Stefan
  3. When I first started martial arts back in the day, my teacher used to say, ".. if you want to learn how to fight, you have to go out there and fight." The easiest way to learn web design, is to build websites. .. So start building! PS: get my videos too! Stefan
  4. Funny, we just added a new video course on HTML5 and CSS3 in the Killersites University. It's about 10 videos with a total running time of about 3hrs. ... You can find them in the Web Design section. Stefan
  5. Start with HTML and CSS. Then move to PHP and Javascript. Stefan
  6. Adobe or Microsoft matter not; these are just the hammers and nails of web design. Your skill as a web designer makes it work. ... Crystal clear graphics will come from proper optimization and knowing when to use a JPEG or a PNG. Scrolling text banners and other page effects are probably best achieved using Flash or Ajax. If you go with Ajax, I would be learning Jquery. Stefan
  7. This goes to what I've been preaching for years now: web designers NEED to learn some Javascript and PHP - the modern Web demands it. ... If you knew PHP, to make these changes would be MUCH more approachable. Stefan
  8. If you read my posts from way back, I've never been a fan of XHTML ... always favoring strict HTML for a bunch of reasons. Stefan
  9. With recent developments in HTML 5 and the continued problems of XHTML with IE, it seems clear to me that strict HTML 5 will dominate and XHTML will fade away over time. Stefan
  10. This is just some small clerical error ... a stray character, probably a comma. ... You are just going to have to search for it. PS, that is a big blathering SQL INSERT statement, hard to manage. You might be better off using a 'prepared statement' as it is much easier to debug and provides extra features for free. Stefan
  11. It's simple really, just recheck your SQL syntax. Stefan
  12. Remember the top three rules of programming: Reuse Reuse Reuse So may want to take Ben's advice. Unless that is, you are doing this just to learn. I've built several systems in the past as a fun learning projects. Stefan
  13. Hurry up!!! ... Man it's hot today. Stef
  14. A whole slew of new free video content is coming out starting over the next few days.

  15. I wanted to point out that all our new video content will be released in H.264 or .MOV format. That means all the videos will play on both Mac and PC and even on many flat screen LCD and plasma tv's.
  16. Hi, I wanted to give you guys a heads up that our new course on Dreamweaver CS5 will be out sometime this week. We will be covering the basics of Dreamweaver CS5 along with teaching basic web design techniques. Thanks, Stefan
  17. Hi, Sorry for the long, long delay ... I missed this post. Trouble shooting tips. 1. First - you must have Winzip (stuffit for Mac) installed. Please confirm that. If you have Mac OSX or Windows Vista and later you don't need to install anything. Download link for Winzip for Windows: http://www.winzip.com/downauto.cgi?o=1&file=winzip120.exe&email=your%20email 2. Make sure you have the Flash player installed: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ 3. If you are on a Mac, use FireFox and not Safari or IE. 4. Make sure you have the Flash player installed in the browser you are using to view the videos. Did you first unzip all the files to your desktop? A mistake that people make is that they try to view files without first uzipping all of them: 1. Download the zip file to your desktop. 2. Click on the zip file and look for the extract button. 3. Extract it to your desktop. 4. Look for the file 'start.html' Did you see this video: Unpacking videos. Please try this and let me know. Stefan
  18. One last thing to fix and the server migration is complete!!!

  19. One last thing to fix the server migration is complete!!!

  20. Hi, Every user has a new stats display feature, for instance, check out mine: http://www.killersites.com/community/index.php?/user/14214-administrator/ ... Select the 'stats' tab. You can check out your stats as well. We now have the ability to follow members so that you can be notified when their status changes. Stefan
  21. Good job putting the recent topics at the top ... like the old forum!

    1. falkencreative


      Yeah, I finally found a mod to do that, and removed the two sidebar items which had previously shown new topics/recent topics. A lot better IMO.

    2. falkencreative


      Forgot to mention... it auto-refreshes ever 30 seconds, so if you want to keep an eye on new posts, you don't have to manually refresh the page.

    3. administrator
  22. Hi, We purposefully used an XML backend for the cart because that's what we needed for our own store! If your store will have relatively few skews, then the need for a MySQL database is limited. XML based in more easily ported and not subject to SQL injection attacks. That said, to replace the XML component with a MySQL component shouldn't be that hard to do since all you would need to do is change the way the data access functions work. If you don't know MySQL and PHP then you would need the help of our crud tutorials. The best bang for your buck would be The Complete Web Programmer course - it contains everything you need. Stefan
  23. So you want to start up MySQL? If so, the default user name and password are: user: root pass: ... Just leave the password blank. Have you tried installing MAMP or WAMP ... this makes it easier. To 100% clear, are you able to see the videos OK? Stefan
  24. Hi, If anyone notices any bugs or weird behavior in the forum, please let us know. Thanks, Stefan
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