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  1. Thanks for pointing this out. We will have a look at it. Stefan
  2. That is probably the best idea. It seems that your images are being loaded before the Javascript is processed .... remember that the web still loads and processes from the top of the page down. So a sequence/placement change might solve your problem. Again though, I would do as suggested above; just load the images into a hidden div and then just reset the div's display property as the first action in the script. Stefan
  3. Go with PHP as you will many more options in terms of what you could do with that page. SHTML is a throwback to an earlier time in the Web ... kinda like phone operators. ... No longer needed. Stefan
  4. Apple and Google are on the edge of becoming what they suggest they are not: evil. Apple has a iron fist control over the iPhone and iPad universe and Google is trying to squash net neutrality with Verizon. ... We nerds must be vigilent. Stefan
  5. I'm not sure if I understand your question. ... But, CS4 has new features over CS4 ... especially the AS3 update. That said, CS4 is not the latest Flash as Flash CS5 is now out. Stefan
  6. Just when I want to start a new video, I decide to start a new project!

  7. BTW, we have a brand new set of Dreamweaver CS5 video tutorials that should be up in say 48hrs in Killersites University and at the video store. We will be posting 20-25 free Dreamweaver CS5 videos over the next few weeks. Stefan
  8. I think he meant to say: ... still, this cannot happen too soon. Just my guess.
  9. I think in the php basics videos I use PHP includes for a menus ... that is what you mean. Stef
  10. Another option is to us iframes. Although PHP includes are cool too. Stefan
  11. Man, you're talking about Kyle! ... He's the master poster around here, his posts are the stuff of legends ... going back many years. Stefan
  12. Hi, It is clear that the politicians are owned by big business ... the US has become an oligarchy where big business (bankers, military industrial complex, drug companies) call the shots that are usually against the interest of the people. ... Corruption is everywhere, from Wallstreet to Washington. People like Palin and Beck just look to profit on the frustrations and anger of the people - the have nothing to offer. The people got what they voted for (you make your bed ...) and it seems to me, that most people feel that football and baseball are more important than politics and war. Funny, no one ever mentions that 18 guys with box-cutters caused 9/11 - so you invade a two countries?! Someone's making cash. Terrorist? Did you know that you far more likely to get killed by your bathtub than by terrorist (I am not kidding) - terrorism is actually a very minor threat when you look at the numbers. Terrorist (in the last 25 years) may have killed say 10 000 people. Cancer kills ~500 000 a year in the US alone. Yet, cancer research is tiny compared to the money spent on anti-terror activities. As a businessman, that makes no sense to me. Back to net neutrality: fortunately there are competing factions, rather than one giant conspiracy. I think that other companies will fight to keep the Internet free of the technology oligarchs control. Stefan
  13. Good luck with that!! I think there will be a battle but hopefully with luck, things will be pushed back. The Web should remain an open space. Stefan
  14. Hi, 1. Unless you plan on running your own servers, there is NO point in learning to install Apache and MySQL. 2. You should display errors as you learn and when you are building things. The error messages tell you what's going on and it is important to understand the error messages so that you can more easily find problems and fix them. In fact, when learning, once you have something working in PHP, break it and pay attention to the error message the thing you broke generates. This will help you to understand error messages much more quickly and ultimately, you will become a better and faster programmer. Stefan
  15. I agree, Live View should not be used in place of the web browser, it should be used only if say you are quickly creating elements to a page, typing out text and a few other things. As you'll get to know Dreamweaver, you will discover WHEN using live view will speed up the process vs code view. ... Personally, I would use live view say 5% of the time. Yes, it's not that much, but it still comes in handy sometimes. You should set up Dreamweaver's f12 hot-key to preview in a browser at the touch of a button. And you should also set up a secondary browser for testing in Dreamweaver ... shift+f12. Test in Firefox and IE8. Stefan
  16. Just have to set up the backup server and the website's server plumbing might be done!

  17. Hmmm ...I haven't looked at the Dreamweaver behaviors in a while. In the end though, it is just basic Javascript. I would look into the code and see if you can remove the mouseOut call. Another option is to remove all the behaviors on the elements and to reapply them, one by one. That sometimes fixes things. Not to beat a dead horse, this is another classic example where learning a little web programming can go a long way to make a web designers life much easier. In short, learn PHP and learn Javascript. Stefan
  18. Susie, PM me and I will create a Killersites University account for you ... we have a video course on creating CSS sprites in there - source files included. Sorry to hear that she is not feeling well. I once had to deal with serious illness and was able to beat it by eating well, staying relaxed and generally leading a stress free, well rested lifestyle. Remember that stress has a HUGE impact on recovery. ... Chinese herbs helped a lot too. Stefan
  19. The older the version of Dreamweaver the cheaper. Look on Ebay or Craigslist ... just be sure to get a legit copy so that: 1. You are not stealing. 2. You can get the much cheaper upgrades should you decide to upgrade one day. Stefan
  20. I would suggest storing the files outside of the database and just store a URL reference to the file in MySQL. ... Blob transactions are heavy on relational databases. Stefan
  21. Remember those free videos I mentioned, well there coming out now ...

  22. Hi, These two links should answer many of your questions: http://www.killersites.com/blog/2010/graphic-design-vs-web-design/ http://www.killersites.com/magazine/2009/skills-of-professional-web-design/ Stefan
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