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  1. It depends where you are starting from ... if you know HTML and CSS, to understand database driven websites to a point where you can create simple sites ... I'd say maybe 2 weeks.

  2. Three new courses coming out within a couple of weeks: Dreamweaver CS6, Photoshop CS6 for the Web and Building a Shopping Cart with PHP

    1. tellimega


      i have been trying to purchase d complete webdesign course but to no avail and i send an email to stef about a week now and havnt gotten any reply....plz how can u help me to purchase a course via mastercard from Africa. Thanks. Telli

  3. Hi, You need to learn the basics of web design, and all these questions will be answered. Not to be a shameless self promoter, but my beginners web design course will answer these questions and a whole lot more. There are a bunch of free videos you can watch to. Stefan
  4. Hi, The easiest thing for NON programmers, would be to go with Paypal because they have a shopping cart that only requires you know HTML ... no programming required. From the Paypal website: You can learn about here: Paypal HTML only shopping cart. We have a shopping cart that works with PHP and uses Paypal to process the cards; the difference is that our version is more advanced and creates a slicker shopping experience since the shopping process doesn't require the user to jump to and from the painfully slow Paypal site with each item you add to the cart. PHP and Paypal shopping cart Of course, this is just one example where learning even a little PHP can come in super handy. Stefan
  5. Hi, Do you do this tutorial: object oriented php ... It explain WHY things are done. Stefan
  6. That is cool. Though I am a nerd, I've wondered about all these wireless networks beaming all over the place ...? Stef
  7. Oops, here are some good articles on CSS page layout - courtesy of Andrea: Stefan
  8. Yep, HTML tables for page design is way, way out. Years ago when the change to CSS page layout was just happening, I was one of the old timers who said that you did not have to rush into it because of the problems CSS layouts had at the time - that has changed long ago. Tables are strictly for tabular data. Use CSS layouts for your page layouts. Stefan
  9. whew! Finally got the old forum archive back online.

  10. I agree with LSW. In addition, I would mention HTML5's sister CSS3: it simplifies page layout and cross browser compatibility issues. One last point about HTML5 & CSS3, is how important they will become ... you think Flash was important? HTML5/CSS3 will easily surpass Flash in that regard, because of all the things it brings to the table and because it is a standard and not a technology owned by one company. Stefan
  11. Hi, I should mention that we changed the Killersites University to the Killersites Library: http://www.killersites.com/video-library/ Our new interactive training system can be found here: http://www.killersitesuniversity.com/ Thanks, Stefan
  12. Hi, I wanted to mention that we just moved killersites to a new server ... things should be moving much faster now. Stefan
  13. Hi Everyone, I just wanted to give you a quick update about what is going on around here. First, I just finished moving myself and since that is almost done, I should have a lot more time to work on things around here. 1. We are currently revamping the Killervideostore.com from being a dumb, dumb store to something intelligent and interactive. I think I will create a little video with my thinking on that once we are done. 2. Along with the new store, we have many new videos in the queue and you should start expected new courses to come out as early as next week - our Dreamweaver CS6 course to be exact. I will also be working on a new SEO and web marketing course - boy, there is so much Web-myth out there, when it comes to this subject. Especially now that Google is shifting again. That's it for now. Stefan
  14. I think the problem is related to setting the proper php application paths. I am guessing that in one of the configurations, you are specifying the path incorrectly so the xamp server is looking in the wrong place for the php pages. Does that make sense? Stefan
  15. Exactly. That's a decision that I faced when I was in my 2nd year of university: run with the business that's starting to take off or stick to school. I went with the business and have regretted it everyday since! ... Just kidding!! I've never looked back! Stef
  16. Hmm ... that's a mess of code there. I would strip it down to simple elements cutting out all the extra stuff. You are probably getting that distortion to the post because some tag pair in the sample code is not being closed. ... If that's your question. Stef
  17. Hi, What user are you using to connect to wordpress? ... Are you using root? Stef
  18. Sounds like a CSS linking issue. Please recheck your code ... but first, take a day or two off to give your eyes a rest and you will probably see the problem. ... Often times this strategy works. I know from experience. Stefan
  19. Hi, Depends on what you know now. If you are a total noob to web design and programming, then this would be daunting to build from scratch. The best solution is to find a CMS (content management system) like Drupal, Joomla and even a lightweight one like Wordpress and see if there are plugins out there that would allow you the features you are looking for. ... Once you've researched that, you might want to hire an experienced web programmer. Stefan
  20. Hmm ... 1. how many records do you have to deal with? 2. how often do the records change? Stef
  21. From my experience since the beginnings of spam (back in the 1990's) .. whether you have a .com or .org, it makes no difference in terms of spam. So in other words, the domain extension has no impact. To protect against spam, you need to: 1. use spam filters 2. hide email addresses from spam bots 3. make sure the email server is not set to catch all for emails. Meaning, for the mail server to accept email, there has to be a real email address. I hope that helps, Stefan
  22. Can you tell me what user sent the spam? Stef
  23. Here are a couple: http://how-to-build-websites.com/ http://www.csstutorial.net/ Stef
  24. This has always been the case, more or less. Although these days, it is more pronounced. What is really cool about this fast adoption of modern browsers, is the fast adoption of modern browser technologies. M$ can longer slow down the development of browser tech with their once dominant position in the browser wars. ... Now the browser makers are racing to adopt the latest tech as quickly as possible. Thanks to competition! Stefan
  25. Major additions coming to killersites very, very soon.

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