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Everything posted by lm

  1. hi, It is a quiet time in forum as you noticed( I think most of the people just outside with no internets around), so have a patience. I did look through your page. What kind of feeback you look for? Code, design, usability, all of it? I start with layout: it seems quite unbalanced. I mean it looks like header and footer are coordinated more or less with each other but navigation and content part are not fitted. Google ads are not adding much to design as well. May be if you consider using a grid to connect all layout elements of the layout, it will help. It is rather my personal point of view. Hopefully others will give you a feedback soon.
  2. To edit your .swf you will need to have source .fla file. Create in it buttons and assign behavior to it - "Go to" the frames where the clips start.
  3. in general: look into the page source code. In the head find the line: So style.css is a stylesheet for this particular page and is in a same folder as your page. If not, there will be address, such as "foldername/style.css" Sometimes there few stylesheets per page are used so look for selectors you need to edit in all those sheets. Also, look in your code for styles in the page head or in the body HTML code - they still used sometomes to overwrite external styles.
  4. The best option would be if the Skip Intro button coded as a html link on a page on which the intro is embedded; so visitors will see it before the intro is loaded.
  5. If you are sure in this code, check paths to the movie and .js file in the head. I use other lines for swf embed which worked ok so far. On this page you can compare your snippet with what should be, may be it will help.
  6. Looking suspisiously, both of these posts with links to comercial websites with very vague questions about actual designing.
  7. Susie you can pick the code from my page source. Adapt it to your page, that is all. You'll only need to have one line for swf object in the head. The rest should be in a place where you embed Flash. There more to it of course in the documentation for SWFObject, if you'll need it.
  8. I find this Flash tutorials are good but there plenty others including video. Just google and choose.
  9. Whatever Flash ( .swf ) file you created, it should show when path is correct. So first of all, check if the path to your swf is correct ( use at first full path to .swf in embed code to make sure). Secondly, there a few methods to embed Flash - with their up and down sides. Read about it here and then choose one on you prefer. As for now the most popular - SWF object method as it allows to enter some alternative content.
  10. when you create a new layer, add also frames in a timeline to it so it will stay visible. If you have still have difficulties with layers, look for video tutorial (make search in Google on "layers in Flash".
  11. The main thing is to avoid Flash intro pages ( better make Flash includes into the home page with actual content. Make the path to important information ( location, prices, menu) as short as possible, so when visitor get to the home page, he can see most of it right away.
  12. did you try something like explains here for example?
  13. Once you find a good butterfly, you can embed it with transparent background. As you always do: put Flash inside some div and with CSS add a background to this div: image or color. I still have an old template hanging: http://www.technotext.nl/flashtest/july/july.html If you scroll on a left bar is the flower with the butterfly. As for links blocking - I suppose you can always use z-index to move divs up and down layering them in needed order.
  14. Susie, may be it will worth to try to find some Flash template with good butterflies. You can then embed this Flash with transparent background to be on the top of any image. Not seeing anything as good as Flash in JS or .gif when i was into butterflies myself.
  15. lm

    Noticed the change?

    I think because Stefan promote new stuff more than that of few years ago, we get more visitors interested in it. Also indeed we got a few extra "new" and now bacame already old and active members to answer all beginners questions.
  16. Veer has the Marketplace where photographers can promote themselves. Also I think his website is one of the most advanced so could be a good example.
  17. I think it would work if the full address used as well: back to somecontent div on About page
  18. Susie, you might see the address like: back to maincontent div, so when somebody click, he'd go to this particular part where main contens begins.
  19. I thought the content on home page would have more structure if you highlight "Latest work" and "Featured work". There is no that much of a text on Home page but in a spaces between the images it still could have some aligning or some styling to it. At the b0ttom of Home page there are couple of sentenses of About info - they seems left uncared. But in general again, all looks ok.
  20. A few things: A lot is going on in the layout - it looks good, but I'm missing big headings to separate content more clearly - at least on home page ( you have them on a left but may be highlight them in color or make them bigger?. Also could be good to add some extra styling to the text elements, especially on other pages.
  21. Some members just cant even read the forum title properly. Well, this particular quote will go to my QOTD page surely.
  22. Layout is quite ok, gallery is too "flashy" to eye. As far as usability goes - the links should be looking like links - would reach the visitors quicker. About code: You do need to validate your code before asking for the review. In general: Google can banish you for hidden text at the top of a page. And of course your layout could be done without tables.
  23. we must confess we shine here - not everyone with such amounts of words per post as you but as effective
  24. I think we review this website thoroughly enough to get the author to some kind of understanding on how web works. So if he needs to go further and discuss web design trend in general, lets move this thread to open forum. It is not a place to get offensive when you want a review. We discuss best practices of coding here and not your very own opinion on making money. Again - on to Open forum please.
  25. it all reminds me a tables-no tables discussion. Tables or frames - if you use them for right reasons, why not. But you should be aware of their downsides. Moreover, not only be aware yourself, but should be able to warn beginners in web design (for whom this forum exist) about their ( frames) limitations. Fascination would be not be a serious "pro" argument. If you have couple a pages personal website with no intentions to have good accessibility and SEO, it is your personal choice, use frames. But if you seriously considering building good professional website, you would prefer clean minimalistic HTML with CSS styling template which you implement either in CMS or make your few pages website using PHP includes.
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