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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Don't just rely on the Dreamweaver validator. It's helpful, but doesn't catch everything. Use it AND the W3S validator - or get Firefox and the Webdeveloper toolbar and use that validator that comes with it, that's easiest. As to your website - for starters, it's the wrong doctype - go with HTML Strict. Tables are not meant to be used for layouts - use an external stylesheet for the layout and design. And to comment on the look - the site is very boring. Just gray with a huge banner and an albino gecko - doesn't even look like a 'design', nothing that pulls the look together.
  2. Frames are a really bad idea - see here: http://www.killersites.com/mvnforum/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=4258 There's not a single good reason to use them - and people don't care if clicking moves them to a different page. That's kind of the expected reaction.
  3. http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/94/validate-before-asking-for-a-review/
  4. Can you load it up somewhere? I see your code, but with all those images I don't have, it's hard to try out. Add a clear: both; to the footer CSS. Other than that, just from looking at it so, I can tell you that: You have the wrong doctype (should be HTML) There are 2 charsets in your header You design for 1024 at 1024 - which means folk viewing at 1024 will have a horizontal scroll bar. You probably don't need all those absolute positions or height settings. You have CSS in your header and more of it in the external stylesheet - should be all external. You don't need JavaScript for simple hovers - you can do that much neater with CSS. Overall, all this css/html/javascript makes for a pretty messy-looking code-page. I'd drop the fancy stuff and focus on the main layout first, then add in all the extras - if they are really necessary.
  5. What exactly are you trying to achieve? If it's just that you don't want to have to repeat those parts that are the same all across your site - like the menu - use php includes: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/357/repeating-sections-of-code-on-many-pages/
  6. I'm assuming you have not just the domain name, but also a hosting account? Is it Godaddy's website by nite or similar? If so, forget Dreamweaver, you won't be able to upload via FTP, anyway. Check the instructions you have from Godaddy regarding any hosting account you may or not have with them.
  7. Andrea

    Good Friday

    In the States, 'holiday' means different things to different people. July 4th for example, is a holiday for most, but even then stores are open. Then there are those 'holidays' when just the post office and government workers are off - sometimes banks and / or schools, too. It's complicated. To my, ANY day I'm off is a holiday
  8. Andrea

    Good Friday

    Unless it changed, it's a holiday in Baden Wuerttemberg. And Easter Monday is a holiday there too - in all of Germany as far as I know. The next "religious" holiday coming up here (in San Antonio) is Fiesta later this month. And even that is only a holiday for some companies (not mine).
  9. This is what is looks like - minus the images, which I don't have: http://aandbwebdesign.com/misc/the1.html
  10. Do you have the hosting account yet you'll use for the site when it's done? There are free ones out there, too, but I've never used myself.
  11. It would make it a whole lot easier for us to be able to help if you could upload it somewhere - a test folder or something. Helping with websites is one thing, that's what we're here for, but having to do all kinds of work before we even get to the helping part is asking a wee bit much. Or, at the very least, post the html and CSS - but uploading is really the best way to go about it.
  12. Andrea

    CSS Dropdown Menu

    Just do it like you got it on the pages that work. Actually, that was sarcasm ---- what I mean to say it that we really have to see what you have in order to try and figure out what's wrong.
  13. Look at the second sticky in the HTML/XHTML forum.
  14. body { clothing: none; display: hidden; } ..............now I need an image of a head sticking over the door of a dressing room or similar
  15. For a moment there this morning, I thought my personal wordpress blog was broken, until I remembered what today is
  16. Here is a thread about Where to learn web design. Avoid any school that offers to teach Front Page if you're interested in learning web design. Not only was FrontPage a web editor that wrote very messy code, it's not even supported any more. Even M$ discovered it needed something else This thread: The Business of Webdesign also has some great information, and then there is Killersites: The Business of Webdesign.
  17. That's actually not correct. Firefox is a standard-compliant browser which will show you what you wrote - so if there are errors in the code, things won't show up right. IE, however, is not so much standard compliant, and will show you what it thinks you meant, thus allow you to get away with coding errors. But, as the newer versions of IE (7 and 8) are getting more compliant, you may find that badly coded pages that looked just fine in IE6, suddenly don't work so well in newer IE versions, either.
  18. Andrea

    Help with Menu

    Maybe you have the same path issue with the images?
  19. Andrea

    Help with Menu

    I was just looking at your code some more - and I think you have issues other than a JavaScript menu - what's all this? style="border: 0px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; width: 100%; height: 168px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" id="top"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="font-weight: bold;">CENTRAL HAWKS style="top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 180px; height: 137px;" align="middle"> FOOTBALL CLUB style="font-weight: bold;"> All THAT for four words and one image?
  20. Andrea

    Help with Menu

    The path to your js file is off - it sits in your root directory, that's why type="text/javascript"> works on your index page, but not on your subpages. Change it to:
  21. You didn't read the forum rules - especially the part about validating first, did you? Where is your doctype? You are using deprecated tags, and misusing tables for layout. The page is image based. When images are disabled, there is NOTHING to look at or read. What are text readers, the vision impaired, and also VERY important, spiders going to 'read'??? I'm thinking that if a link/button has to come with the direction to "Click Here", something is wrong. Most people nowadays know how and when to click - and have seen a couple navigation menus. And why would you want me to only click on 2 of the 5 buttons? Where is the 'home' button on the sub-pages? All pages took a while to come up, but that may be my computer. From a webdesign point, you're violating pretty much every modern standard. It's not a website, it's a piece-milled image.
  22. You just create the page the way you want it and save it over your current 404 page as 404.html (or whatever extension). For example killersites 401: www.killersites.com/404.shtml
  23. Andrea

    Help me decide

    I like the second one better, too. The first one might look more interesting if the 2 letters were entwined instead of just one on top of the other.
  24. Same here - and what Susie said, too.
  25. What's the point of the two s? I don't think that's right.
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