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Everything posted by benjaminmorgan

  1. I'm pretty sure you forgot to close something or closed something that didn't exist. (When you click the links the page content disappears.) That is the only reason I have seen links not go before. Make sure everything is closed.
  2. ooh, i had a similar problem. Andrea is right. You have to float the li tag. It should work. #header #navbar #holder ul li { float: left; }
  3. wow, can't believe i forgot something so simple. I normally always style the li first. Thanks!
  4. IE 7 is such a problem causer. I can not get the navigation menu to float right. It looks staggered like a diagonal. Here is my code. Help is appreciated. It should float left. the class navul is 500px and that divided by 4 = 125 px for each link HTML <ul class="navul"> <li><a class="current" href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li ><a href="services.html">Services</a></li> <li ><a href="portfolio.html">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li> </ul> CSS .navul a { display: inline-block; width: 125px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; float: left; color: black; border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; behavior: url(pie.htc); font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } .navul a.current { background: black; color: white; }
  5. I guess you could use innerHTML. Javascript <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('inner').innerHTML = "Hello World!"; </script> HTML <p id="inner"></p>
  6. College isn't really needed for web design. You might be better off with a degree in business or computer science and self learn web design. I plan on going to college in a little over a year ONLY because I am joining the National Guard and I am going to take a ROTC program. Other than that I probably wouldn't go to college. If I go, I will major in Computer Science if i can get past the 3 Calculus classes o.0
  7. I really don't recommend doing the design in photoshop. Either get out a pencil and paper or just start coding. For inspiration here is a good site. http://www.csselite.com/ remember don't copy the design exactly. Just get ideas. It should help. Just take some time to browse through and find some sites you like.
  8. I would say -Analysis -Design -Testing in different browsers/mobile phones -Development -Testing (if php or other server side language test on live server)
  9. It is very annoying, especially the ones that won't close off!
  10. Hey, Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help just ask!
  11. Web Design is getting big, but you definitely need to learn it well if you learn it because there is so many competitors.
  12. Also javascript is good to learn sometimes before php, but definately start with HTML and CSS like Andrea said they go hand in hand.
  13. The bad thing is i printed them both out at school and the top one seemed to print better, just used more ink though... It might be because the gold or something. it just seems blurry when printing the second one. Especially the words Listen to your heart
  14. Okay final question. If you were just a staff member with virtually no other design knowledge besides the female instinct because it seems like all of them have the design sense with a few exceptions, which one would you pick?
  15. Here is a link to the psd. I couldn't find your email http://localhostr.com/file/IHD0ocN/newback2eNO.psd
  16. Here it is with a different font.
  17. I think i might just go with the 2 straight hearts with out the sparkle on top. I think i will leave the background clean. I am not sure how to make just that part darker and not make the silver less. I also flipped the heart horizontal on the right because it looked like both hearts were pointing to the right instead of them pointing to center.
  18. Also, what should i add to the backgorund? Any good brushes or anything that you know of or should i leave it plain?
  19. Okay, Is this what you meant? to
  20. I recreated the background. It has school colors. Blue to silver to gold. I am thinking about putting the stars in the background any maybe something else. Any suggestions? I turned in the last one in the list but teacher said it would be better for graduation.
  21. Yes, i am using photoshop.
  22. What do you mean? I need something to cover up the box because the star and box was painted in the background with brushes. I cannot remove it. I covered it up with disco ball instead. How do i add balance?
  23. Here is new image without the insect / box. What do you think? It will be printed on cardstock if i win.
  24. This is what you think is an insect .
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