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    Los Angeles

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  1. From the little I saw I liked it. Reminds me of a CRM system. You should provide a Guest user/pw so others can explore it a bit better. Then again others are not as lazy as me.
  2. OK, it is a big buggy, specially in IE, works better on Firefox You can upload a pic, and a logo and then re-size them and watermark. http://www.tanela.com/igen/start It uses no JavaScript, and is a resource gobbler. But was a fun small project. I Might continue cleaning it up and enhancing it. Anyways, take a pic and tell me what you all think...
  3. phpmyadmin should be there or something like it.... Check your Cpanel maybe SQLyog or maybe phpminadmin if you are running your own server, u can install it. get it from http://www.phpmyadmin.net ELSE, it is time to talk to ya HOST company. They would know
  4. rudyten2000

    New Property

    I just looked it up http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_gen_counter-reset.asp But it does not make much sense to me either ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The counter-reset property is usually used in conjunction with counter-increment to handle automatic numbering, and with content to display the generated counter values. This is from http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/counter-reset Seems is is not very well supported across all browsers
  5. Am not very familiar with document managers, But you can look into Source management software. It lets users log in, and check out files. Maybe something like CVS
  6. I think WYSIWYG editor makes one lazy. Last time I tried one was Front Page, it added a bunch of stuff to the source that drove me nuts. That was my first attempt at playing with HTML. I don't believe WYSIWYG editor teaches a person HTML, what they do teach you is how to use THE Editor. I started out with Notepad, then once i started learning PHP I went with Crimson Editor, Now I use UltraEdit32 Editor. My First Page was 1. the Famous HELLO WORLD 2. Then a Small Form Page 3. Then my Resume in pure HTML using a Table 4. Then an Simple Online Contact Form that sent out an Email. This was my First PHP 5. Then a Login Page, This thought me session management. 6. My Resume Tableless. playing with CSS ... and from there I just kept adding stuff I learn Turns out I actually Enjoy all this Web Stuff as a hobby:D
  7. LOL Just thought it was funny. I was actually working on SEO on my site, just looking at different words and how for up my SERPS were. And I found this for my site "tanela.com" is worth $4,070 USD............... AM RICH when you add that to my .50 cents a day on Adsense The site name that generated this was http://www.valuatemysite.com Anyways, the site is good for a laugh, i figure I share my find:D Enjoy
  8. Some do, but now adays it is really optional, the BIG ones don't needed, but is still good to use I think. Google for example will index a site just fine even if the site has no description meta tag I was just playing with my description meta tag. Was contacting the City/State to it to make the meta tag more unique and not duplicate among my pages.
  9. Using Position Absolute to put Menu (visually) on top of page....but having the source for the menu at the bottom of the page. Is this good? or bad? The reason I been thinking about this is because the menu WORDS are getting indexed on the content description on SERPS. By placing the menu Source on bottom the main content is near the top. This can also be handy for readers I guess. Specially if the menu is huge by menu I mean "Banner images and text", "Welcome User login name", "navigation stuff" as in login/logout...
  10. Thanks, I will read up on server setting for this:D
  11. hehehe, my "Play Directory" is my /SEO/html/mysql/php/Mod-rewrite/Session management/ and anything else i can think about playground. Whenever I wanna try something out new I apply it to the directory, over the years it becoming bigger. The directory is actually an Arts and Crafts directory. Before this directory I had ZERO exposure to all this Web stuff, being a COBOL/DB Programmer. the directory is XHTML 1.0 Strict, it Validates with very little warnings when ADSENSE is off that is. My main Validator is Firefox Html Validator Addon. I get a TON of ACCESSIBILITY Warnings, but I have not started working on those yet...needs more reading... I try not to use much javascript. The images are generated dynamically. The CSS is put together by PHP depending on what page is being requested, (CSS needs massive clean up). The URL's are friendly(i think), site is SEO friendly. Lately I been reading alot about cache and compression... small things I can do to speed up a site. There is no Danger of me zapping the HTML because it is all put together with PHP
  12. I've been Reading about File compression lately, but it is a bit confusing. When we say File compression before serving a page... Are we just talking about cleaning up a file(by removing extra white spaces, using short names, removing comments, etc...) or run in thru some kinda compressor app? The source is gonna look all ugly? even more ugly then as i leave it now..... Anyways... a bit confusing. I been trying to optimize my play directory, by doing several things.. Compression is the one am reading about now. I already combined all my CSS files into one dynamic CSS file using PHP.
  13. It might have to do with whether the page you are returning to is cached or not cached. On My static pages which get cached.. I always return to Last Spot but on my Dynamic pages which are not cached. I always returned to the Top
  14. Dang, It is not easy to create a HTML Editor WITHOUT JavaScript. All a Flyer Generator is... is a simple html generator. I'll Post a URL once I have nough to show. Am excited, tomorrow I get to see Starship and Patty Smyth live. I know am old:D
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