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Everything posted by shelfimage

  1. a thumbnail list can be generated (http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager2.html) so maybe just changing this line will generate a text link: // callback fn that creates a thumbnail to use as pager anchor pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) { return ' " ' + slide.src + ' " '; }
  2. The answer isn't in the snippets posted above. will need the page source or link to the page b/c something else is happening.
  3. Ok, so I've had to support IE6 just a bit longer than I expected to. Mostly just a small change CSS difference in a conditional comment to get something to line up correctly... ugh .
  4. Yes, I am sure and know I've read threads/posts by you but I can no longer find them. I think I have enough resources in my bag now - thanks everyone!
  5. As a followup, you can use a host's 'Add-on' domain service to host two domains on the same account and get two separate email services as a result. I do this with a couple customers that want a different domain for email and web (don't ask why LOL).
  6. I started using H1 to wrap logos a couple years ago if they contained relevant and significant text that describes the page/site. My thought was this is good for accessibility and search engines because it clearly defines the role of the company name and tagline. As I continue reading about search engine likes/dislikes, Google would rather have ONE H1 per page. So, I am switching gears and instead of using H1, I may use a to wrap it and I make image replacement possible regardless of the the logo's and text's container. An element is enough to perform image replacement. I believe the W3c recommendations suggest using one h1 too, although I don't recall a strict recommendation. My initial question was a request for references for what I (and most of us here) already understand about header usage. My second topic was a thought somewhat related to this because I've been changing how I approach Header tags and logos. And, I want to solidify my approach and pass it on to other folks I work with. Sometimes as we develop sites we wear blinders because there is so much going on and going into the development of a site layout. Especially when working against deadlines. So, I do my best to question myself and love having this resource to read what other folks have to say too!
  7. With Win 2K and newer, go to your computer's System Properties, Computer Name and create a Workgroup name and do the same on the other PC. Restart and you are now part of eachother's networks. Next, be sure to 'Share' some folder or use the default Public folders to pass data back and forth. Using a shared drive - right click on the drive and choose the Sharing properties to set it up. If your PC's have passwords, you will need to login remotely the first time and set it to remember. or just login each time...
  8. Sounds like you should really consider WordPress and integrate the current design and content. Or, install a stand alone comment script that can integrate with any page type. search for open source commenting script or comment script. Some cost less than $30 USD
  9. depending on the doctype it could fail for all kinds of reasons like no summary="" in the table element, deprecated attributes in the TD or TR elements, etc... Might be best to post complete code although a link to the page is best.
  10. David's book is mentioned in this recent video that summarizes the history of Yahoo's home page and role of frontend engineering. http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4671445/12486762
  11. Allow me to poll opinions on something that is related to this subject. Should the site's logo be wrapped in a H1? Or, a P, or nothing at all? What do you think is most effective for SEO and semantics? I'm starting to think that nothing at all is better, but I'd like to hear other thoughts before I standardize my (new) approach of this. I've seen situations where the logo is in a H2 or H3 before an H1 appears on a page which is incorrect inmho.
  12. The latest CMSMS ver 1.5.3 includes this in the templates for new installs. It will work with 1.5.2+. see http://forum.cmsmadesimple.org/index.php/topic,30923.0.html Someone developed a plugin for WP too.
  13. I know this is probably too lat, but there are sites to help ID fonts like, http://www.identifont.com/identify.html, http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ (you might have already tried this one), and http://www.bowfinprintworks.com/SerifGuide/serifsearch.php The first link says that it could be Berling and lists other possibilities: http://www.identifont.com/identify?16+HIDENPOT+76U+NEX+F+3S9+76Q+4W+3B6+97+6B+9J+3AK+G39+19U+4C+A0+U+M
  14. Hi, Looking for articles, resources, or Killersites forum threads about the how and whys of using h1 to h6 correctly. I can talk about how and why all day long, but I need a reference so my reasoning is justifiable and credible. TIA!!
  15. this is completely untested in WP but... I was up really early in the morning yesterday writing this to pull in WP posts for a CMSMS project <?php global $db; $wp_query = "SELECT post_date, post_title, post_category, post_name FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'POST' AND post_status ='publish' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 5"; $result = mysql_query($wp_query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { $date_format = date("Y",strtotime($row["post_date"])); $post_date = date("m/d/Y",strtotime($row["post_date"])); $post_title = $row["post_title"]; $post_name = $row["post_name"]; $post_cat = $row["post_category"]; echo ''.$post_date.' – '.$post_title.''; } ?> This will produce a list of 5 article dates and titles linked to their full articles like this: 02/26/2009 - Post-Title So here is the tricky part. This uses SEO Pretty URLs and you need to know your permalink structure. The example above uses post-year/post-name If yours uses post-month/post-day/post-year/category/post-name then some changes will be needed: 1st change is to the line $date_format = date("Y",strtotime($row["post_date"])); change to $date_format = date("m/d/Y",strtotime($row["post_date"])); The second change is to this I would add this into your sidebar template - let me know how it works out.
  16. will this run next to safari 3.x?
  17. I see you tamed the bottom slice in IE7.
  18. There's this one http://www.serie3.info/s3slider/demonstration.html
  19. Yeah fixed height is the easy part. The challenge is the elastic vertical container. Interesting solution - I wouldn't have thought to use duplicate content with a #tabs #default {tabs-exa...ult2.html (line 86) left:0; position:relative; }
  20. If you are using godaddy, you might need to use this in your .htaccess file instead of AddHandler x-httpd-php .shtml AddHandler php .shtml Maybe you can save your code in a separate file, like rss-feed.php, and then include using .shtml includes.
  21. shelfimage


    I added everyone here that I wasn't already following: twitter.com/mainewebworks
  22. Well this is timely because I need something like that. I already have it coded, but will try yours to b/c with a sticky footer, mine is not flowing downwards and pushing footer downwards to accommodate. Probably b/c of sticky footer, But, what about having the first tab open to show its content on page load?
  23. shelfimage

    Hiding URL

    If you want to simply remove the .php extension from URLs, use this in htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)\$ $1.php
  24. I love working with Smarty for front end development. Don't really like working with zend XML frameworks for FE dev.
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