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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. ></pre> <ul> ........... and like you said - #footer ul .....
  2. One way is to randomly post links to that blog on forums - but some forums consider that spam and don't like it much
  3. Frameset would be if you were using frames (don't do that). Of the other 2, strict is best - it forces you to write the cleaner code, while transitional does allow deprecated and presentational elements. And if you're wondering if you should use HTML or XHTML - read this
  4. And if you also get Measure It, you can measure the spaces you have, and do some math as to what you need to change.
  5. No, that's not correct - see here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_DOCTYPE.asp Use a validator, and make sure there are no coding errors.
  6. If you multiply the approx. file size of "nothing huge" by the approximate number of "quite a few", you should get an approximate space requirement. I'd add 50% for good measure and future growth. Seriously - the info you supply is a bit vague.
  7. for starters, add a doctype (HTML 4.01 strict). This works: div#site { width: 950px; height: 570px; margin: 10px auto 0; background: rgb(237,228,201); } I am not sure why you think you need the wrapper and the site divisions - I'd think one would be enough.
  8. Andrea

    Make Div Link

    What's wrong with what LSW said? Use the image in the html in your division, and you can make it a link - and Listamatic has all kinds of cool navigation lists that you could look at and learn from.
  9. Eric, why not create the image just 1px by 1px and then apply whatever dimensions - wouldn't that save load time?
  10. Check the path the CSS is showing you and verify that it and the image it's pointing to actually exist on your browser.
  11. And even then there are print screens.
  12. To what jlhaslip said: but if you have not build and uploaded any pages, then there won't be anything to see but maybe your host's placeholder page.
  13. You have to find out from your hosting company what the DNS settings for your account are, and then you have to direct the domain to them. And then you need to build your website, because without one, nothing will come up. You can find lots of great tutorials right here on Killersites to get you started. How to Build Websites is an excellent place to learn how it all works.
  14. I see it fine in FX and IE7 - when columns drop, it's usually because divisions that should be next to each other are too wide for their container. Different browsers have different default settings, and if one adds more padding or margins than another, you might see columns dropping. And this just happened to catch my eye - you probably meant to say "Wonna hear (not here) some Starskys tunes?" Starskys is also in its 5th year, not it's.
  15. You have quite a few coding errors and deprecated and improperly used tags throughout the entire page. The look is very much home-made '95 - and that's NOT a good thing. I'd also rethink the color choices, there are contrast issues (blue on black is VERY hard to read, so is red on brown), and that green is pretty loud. Also, I imagine you did not really mean to say: (and that's not the only typo or punctuation error)
  16. It's not actually just a board preference - it's based on solid info on what doctype applies to what situation. HTML or XHTML
  17. You can include the CSS into the header portion of your pages, but that takes away a major advantage of stylesheets. If your CSS is not working, it's once again due to one or more of these factors: 1. Typo / case-issue in file name or link to file. 2. Path issue. 3. Stylesheet hasn't been uploaded. 3. System added an invisible .txt to the file name and your stylesheet is actually called style.css.txt
  18. Looks like the same topic you're already discussing here: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/947/scroll-or-slide/
  19. I think RJ wants to see the source code. If I'm right, Vista has nothing to do with it. It's the Browser that matters. Most of them offer that option in the drop-down you get after right-clicking the webpage.
  20. Read the Killersites tutorials and watch the videos - you'll learn a lot.
  21. It's centered in Firefox. But where is your (HTML 4.01 strict) doctype? And tables are for tabular data, not layout. Add the doctype, then make sure everything validates.
  22. What you have is the old way- to create a proper anchor, add an id to something. For example Comfy Loo and link to that like this Go to Comfy Loo
  23. The correct doctype would actually be HTML - HTML or XHTML
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