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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I have no idea what you are trying to do based on your question, but since the title is 'external style sheet', I'm guessing. An external stylesheet is a .css file. It can be created in Notepad, maybe that's where the confusion with the new text doc comes from - just make sure to save it as whatever.css. At times, however, your computer may add an extra .txt to the end that may not even be visible. Changing your settings to show hidden file types will help. See this post for details: http://www.killersites.com/forums/post/5560/#p5560
  2. Andrea

    link building

    Or you can just spam forums with links to whatever site you're trying to promote. However, that often gets people banned. At the very least, their SPAM links get deleted.
  3. Andrea


    Theoretically you could - but optimizing an image is a pretty basic webdesign skill and it would be in your own best interested to learn how to do it. You can probably even use your email program to optimize the image.
  4. Andrea


    If you're buying a high-resolution image to only use on your website, you're wasting your money. Also make sure to optimize any image for the display size.
  5. Check your code - the 'quote' in front of image/logo.gif are no quotes, they are 2 apostrophes - that's probably why things aren't working.
  6. Is the image uploaded and is the path correct? Based on the code it needs to be in a folder called image and named logo.gif. File and folder names are case sensitive.
  7. is incomplete - you need the entire image file name - either logo.jpg or logo.gif or whatever. You should also have an alt tag.
  8. The code definitely is interesting-looking. Is there any reason for this: line-height: 119.99999682108562%; ? It's always better to use class and ID names that have meaning - Div1 through 6 just isn't very descriptive. There is also no reason to wrap the entire page into form tags.
  9. Not quite accurate - the text-align: left has nothing to do with centering. It's a left-over from the old ways of centering things for older IE versions, where you'd text-align center the body and then left-align the container to get things back to left-align.
  10. It's not a good idea to post your gmail address here, unless you really want to get a lot of spam. I also removed your other post since the topic was pretty much identical and was hijacking another thread. Other than that, what newseed said.
  11. Use a direct path to your include file, so it'll work no matter what directory you're in.
  12. But if you follow a good, current tutorial, you'll learn not to use tables for layout.
  13. I assume you're referring to the virus issue - what happened?
  14. If you really want to learn, focus on writing your own code. Step One - find Caps Lock and quit shouting.
  15. First, I had to mute my speakers. I don't want to listen to a website, I have my TV on. You went wrong on several places - the validator shows 64 errors!! and that with a transitional doctype. Use html 4.01 strict instead. The stylesheet link belongs in the section, not the header division. The dropdown of your links isn't working in firefox - for one, they should be designed as ONE list with sub-lists. You do not need one list for each item. The footer text looks about the same in IE7 and Fx - but maybe you already fixed that with the style 3. I cannot say anything about the slideshow - it looks aligned to me, but the left upper section seems a bit slow to update. Not sure it that's some desired effect or a glitch.
  16. Many people 'prefer' to use tables as layout - that doesn't make it right.
  17. height="1" width="123">read more Change the # to wherever you want the link to go to. For example: read more of course it would be a good idea to make the 'read more' more descriptive - depending on the context. For my example, I'd change it to Killersites or ww w.killersites.com
  18. try www.tectite.com - I've never had a problem with them.
  19. Do you have a free hosting account? Ohter than your host, nobody can put anything on your site, unless they hack into it.
  20. It's ok to write www.killersites.com
  21. Why would you not put www.killersites.com? I tried to explain the purpose of the spaces. What part didn't make any sense?
  22. There are several free Dreamweaver Tutorials right here: http://www.killersites.com/dreamweaver/
  23. Probably not a bad idea to add MySql, maybe even as a sub-category to PHP or something. We put spaces in urls to break up the actual words to prevent possible spamming and folks posting links to their stuff to possibly benefit from backlinks, but allow us to still find the sites to help them out. Since THIS IS Killersites, nobody will mind if you just say it: www.killersites.com !!!!
  24. I was thinking the same, but I don't have access in that particular forum to delete this stuff - have sent notice to Admin.
  25. We did - I told you to google 301 redirects* (twice) and virtual even gave you a link. And LSW gave you same background information. What did you want? Someone to write it for you? * and I had it half wrong - the last 301 redirects I did were to redirect jsp pages - now THOSE go to the top of the page (before the , even), most others go into the .htaccess file like (like jlhaslip mentioned).
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