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Everything posted by newseed

  1. Thank you all. I was able to resolve this by applying display block to the link tag.
  2. I have to agree with Andrea. The 15in monitor probably will only support up to 1024 resolution but its probably set to 800 which would explain why there is a horizontal scroll because your #wrapper div is set for 960px.
  3. Look at Wordpress as a CMS and Gallery2 or Coppermine for the gallery. Both are php and can work together.
  4. Wrap a div around the whole thing. The way you do that is apply the open div just after the open body tag and the a closed div just before the closing body tag. <body> <div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 900px;"> Note: set your width to whatever size your framework is. </div> </body>
  5. Applying a noindex robot tag will only prevent most spiders from indexing your page. So using it is not recommended unless you would to block a page. A better way is to use robot.txt file. You can allow and disallow whatever files/folders you desire.
  6. Thanks Susie. My code has .9em left/right padding and I don't know why it shows up fine for me but your IE tester does not. Can anyone else look at this and provide some feedback?
  7. Can someone check this using IE7 to see if the parent links in the top menu are being squished (no spacing or padding)? w ww. resp ros.com (remove two spaces)
  8. Depends on the search engine. Typcially, the meta tag haven't been used much but that doesn't mean you should not use them. Keywords are anything that is relative to the page and of value for search engines. So be sure to have good keywords within the content using proper tags such as <h1>, <h2>, <p>, etc. for search engines like Google. In a nutshell, whatever keywords you put in your meta tag be sure to have them within the content as well. If "widget" is one of your meta keyword then add that to your content like this: I have a brand new widget for sale.
  9. ** Eddie tries not to stand next to LSW **
  10. Yes..we are brilliant in our own humble way. It would have been nice if display: table and display: table-cell would work like the standard table cells thus the divs' height would be at the max of whatever div it's contained in.... <div id="content"> <div id="nav"></div> </div> CSS: #content { display: table; } #nav {display: table-cell: } ...or something like that. Too bad.
  11. You can make the wrapper background image to have that green background and brown border included. Just download that image (above) and apply it to your #wrapper background. Then you need to get rid of the background color and border-right for the #nav. This will work regardless which column is shorter. The image is only 20kb so no worries about slow download.
  12. Stef: You should have a FAQs and Tips forum category that is 'READ' only (no posting). Here you can add all the possible facts, tips, hints, do's/dont's etc. Have this category placed at the very top of all the other forum categories.
  13. newseed

    Top Menu Issue

    I was able to resolve this problem myself. To get IE8 to work I ended up giving my anchor tag a display:table-cell along with height: 50px. That put it all into place. However, IE7 just didn't like that and so to fix IE7 I simply did a conditional comment css file and applied the display: inline-block and height: auto. Now all is well. It's strange though. I never had to do anything like this before but then I don't recall ever trying to make a text-based menu that requires the text to be vertically aligned in the middle. If anyone has any thoughts or possibly shed some light on why I had to do what I did please let me know.
  14. newseed

    Top Menu Issue

    Can someone take a look at what I might be missing? ht tp://lamps.btos tech.com/store/pc/home.asp (remove 2 spaces) The design/code was integrated to this shopping cart but for whatever reason something is not aligning correctly for the top menu. It displays fine in Firefox and IE7 but not so for IE8. The goal here is to get the top menu (which are text links) to vertically align in the middle whethere it has one or two lines. You can see my template before integration to the shopping cart and it works fine including IE8: ht tp://lamps.btos tech.com/sp-temp.htm (remove 2 spaces)
  15. You might do a video about how to link files giving various examples. One of the most difficult for newbies is adding a file path from one folder pointing to another. Example: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/global.css"> You could also do a video to educate newbies on what they shouldn't do/use when it comes to building websites such as obsolete <font> tags, too many or improper use of <br> tags, using <div> tags as a way to making paragrahs, all css inlined or emedded, or adding water to your flower pot that is sitting on top of your CPU, etc. Ok..the last one doesn't really have anything to do with website but you see me point.
  16. Templates are intangible items in which the purchaser cannot return it. To protect yourself from those types of returns I believe you will have to use Paypal Pro. Otherwise, you will need to use your own merchant service that a bank provides.
  17. Wordpress is a blog but can also be used as a Content Management System (CMS). It allows users to add their own content without really knowing any html or css. No new pages are really created but instead it is dynamically created via using a template. New (and existing) content are kept in a database in which when a user views a certain page the content is extracted from the database. As for fresh content...take a newspaper for example: how many people would buy and read an copy of the news that is dated weeks ago? Probably not many. I'm not saying that you need fresh content on a daily basis but at least a few times a month. Your client wanting to add seasonal stuff throughout the year is a good start. There are many opportunities to take advantage of holidays or special days. New Year's President's Day Valentine's Day Martin Luther King's Day? Saint Patrick's Day? ...and so on.
  18. Not enough to go on. Got a url so we can see it in action? Provide details to help us replicate that problem you are having.
  19. The code seems SEO ready which means it looks good. There are several SEO 'experts' out there. The question is what is the client willing to pay? Someone on this forum may be able to provide some good SEO work for a reasonable price but it may not be their niche or specialty but it will more than likely be affordable. On the other hand, hiring an SEO professional that does nothing but SEO work may take a bite out of the client's wallet. However, the results may or may not be better than if you were to go with someone more affordable. In the end, SEO work does not provide guaranteed results but in most cases results are at least satisfactory. If your client is not budgeting anything for marketing the website then how else is he expected to get good results? It's not the 90's anymore where websites were so few compared to today. One way that is helpful that you can do now is FRESH CONTENT with very good keywords within the content! For example, an Alaska fishing charter site's keyword may be "Fishing Charter" but that's a very broad phrase. To make it better you can use "Alaska Fishing Charter", "Sitka Alaska Fishing Charter", "Alaskan Salmon Fishing", etc. In order to compete with his competitor he must either spend a little or work on it himself.
  20. Before hiring someone, (as Andres suggested), post your site here and maybe we can assist you in resolving the or at least make some sense as to why you are having a problem. You weren't very clear as to what you did on your end to make the client unhappy with the site's search results. Did you make any recent changes? If not, did you notice if someone else might have made some changes? etc. Keep in mind that Ben(?) mentioned something about Google changing the way they index pages just a few days ago. If you do need to hire someone you might just need to hire a SEO professional and not a web developer. In any case, both can analyze your code to see if it's at least SEO ready.
  21. Don't know much about this plugin but you might check the album's document to see if it requires another plugin in order for it to work properly.
  22. You can use HTML 5 doctype with no problem. What you have to check for are the new HTML 5 tags such as <video>. Not all browser supports it. IE has probably the least amount of support whereas Google Chrome seems to support just about ever tag. HTML 5 will support HTML 4 tags. Same thing in regards to CSS 3. So keep in mind that when using the new HTML 5 tags or CSS 3 elements be sure to test them in Safari, IE 7 & 8 (soon IE 9), Chrome and Firefox.
  23. From my understanding is that the plugin is pretty good for very small stores. It will not have some functionalities as other high-end shopping carts may have such as apparel options that allows you add various options such as color, size, etc.; or exporting of data for a popular accounting software like QuickBooks; or multiple payment gateways support or cross sale mod, etc. So if you are planning on making your ecommerce store your primary source of income then its best that you budget at bit more to get the features you need. Otherwise, you can use the WP ecommerce plugin.
  24. You can simply move the files within the /wordpress/ folder over to the root. Before doing so you will need to set your Wordpress site to the correct file path. 1. Login to your Wordpress site. 2. Click on Settings (left column near the bottom) 3. Within Settings, click on General 4. Change both url paths to be without the /wordpress ( should be http://www.marketmoodforecast.com ) 5. Save the settings. 6. Now move the files over to the root. That's it. You will now view your WP site via from the root. Same thing for logging into the admin.
  25. You are missing 'px' in your width property: #menu a { margin:0 10px 0 10px; float:left; display:block; height:36px; width:150px; background:url(images/menu.png) no-repeat; text-align:center; font-size:14px; text-decoration:none; color:white; font-weight:bold; outline:none;
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