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Everything posted by falkencreative

  1. You get this error when trying to access PHPMyAdmin in your browser, correct? Have you changed any usernames or passwords since you installed WAMP? Passwords used to access MySQL? It should work automatically by default, without any changes. Basically, the error is saying your username or password is incorrect. Personally, I would deinstall and reinstall, in case that fixes it.
  2. The first is an example of a list item within an element that has an id of #online_store_link. For example: <ul id="online_store_link"> <li>Selected element</li> </ul> The second is the element with an id of #online_store_link within a list item. For example: <li> <a id="online_store_link">Selected element</a> </li>
  3. I'm not sure if I can help with this one, unfortunately. It would probably take quite a bit of work to rewrite the PikaChoose plugin to support multiple slideshows (or, at least, you'd need someone who is familiar with plugin development). If you can't get support easily, it might be best to either modify the design to reduce the number of slideshows that appear on the page, or go with a plugin that supports multiple slideshows and is better supported.
  4. The "name" is a way of identifying an input field, so that you can use Javascript, PHP or another server-side language to retrieve the value of that field and find out what the user entered. You can name an input just about anything you want (there are a couple limitations -- one being that it can't include a space character), but usually it's a good idea to name it something related to its function or what input you expect in that field, so "firstname" for a field that will contain a first name, or "pwd" for a field that will contain a password.
  5. falkencreative

    Help !

    What code do you have so far? What specific issues are you running into?
  6. Why did you take out the PHP comments from this section? <?php <div class="woodo"> <div class="ad_callout" onclick="location.href='/blog/register/';"> <!--<h2>Call To Action!</h2>--> <p>Subscribe to the blog for insider information!</p> </div><!-- #ad_callout --> </div> ?> needs to be: <?php /* <div class="woodo"> <div class="ad_callout" onclick="location.href='/blog/register/';"> <!--<h2>Call To Action!</h2>--> <p>Subscribe to the blog for insider information!</p> </div><!-- #ad_callout --> </div> */ ?> or you need to remove that section entirely.
  7. The easiest way to disable it would be either to remove or comment out the line like this: <?php /* sidebarlogin(); */ ?>
  8. falkencreative


    I'd suggest searching Google for "address book php" -- you should get quite a few results similar to what you are looking for.
  9. sidebarlogin() isn't a standard Wordpress function, nor is it a function built into PHP, which means that it has to be something that is custom written. Usually, custom PHP functions written for a Wordpress theme would go in the theme's "functions.php" file. Are you sure that file was copied over correctly? Otherwise, maybe the function was something from a Wordpress plugin that hasn't been reinstalled? Something to do with "woodo", the class the sidebar login is supposed to show up in? It's really hard to tell -- those are just some guesses.
  10. There are a lot of light CMS systems that should be able to help you with this. I'm not sure how well Wordpress would work for you if you need to keep things super simple, since it would require rebuilding the site into a Wordpress template, and it may offer your user too much power to potentially mess things up. I'm a fan of Perch, which is what I will be using on my next portfolio website. See http://grabaperch.com/ For some other options as well, see http://css-tricks.com/the-light-cms-trend/
  11. Sorry about the misplaced parenthesis -- I was typing that out quickly. Glad to hear you got it working. I'm not sure if I can help regarding the Javascript validation... My impression is that the validator expects to know which fields it needs to validate up front when the page first loads, not when the form is submitted. That makes it much tricker to add optional validation, and I'm not sure how I'd go about that, short of maybe removing the current Javascript validation and either writing something custom with jQuery that validated when the form was submitted or switching to a different Javascript solution that supported that sort of optional validation. If it's a publicly available validator script, maybe there will be documentation for it?
  12. I'd rewrite the if function to: if(!isset($_POST['Full_Name']) || !isset($_POST['Email_Address']) || !isset($_POST['Telephone_Number']) || !isset($_POST['Your_Message']) || !isset($_POST['AntiSpam']) || !isset($_POST['Desired_Date']) || !isset($_POST['affiliate']) || // radio buttons (isset($_POST['affiliate'] && $_POST['affiliate'] != 'Athlete' && !isset($_POST['affiliate_field']) // if 2nd/3rd radio button selected, make sure affiliate_field is filled in ) { died('Sorry, there appears to be a problem with your form submission.'); // not sure if this should be "die()"? }
  13. PM me with more details? I'm not absolutely sure I can help, but I'd be interested in knowing more.
  14. Sorry, missed this one somehow. I'll take a look later today.
  15. You need to access Wamp's PHPMyAdmin and create a new database. This video uses XAMMP, but it demonstrates the process of using PHPMyAdmin:
  16. That's just a snippet -- basically, it's a text shortcut that I have set up that allows me to type a short phrase, press tab, and then have it expand into a larger piece of text that I specify. Most decent html editors intended for coding offer this sort of functionality. You can also use a stand-alone program that watches what you type, and expands the text once it recognizes that you've typed a shortcut. For example, take a look at TextExpander for Mac or PhraseExpress for Windows.
  17. The inline style is determined using Javascript within app/core/templates/t_head.php. The "fp_edit" class is styled within the CMS stylesheet, in app/resources/css/fp_style.css.
  18. How are you trying to run this file? Are you running it on a server -- either FTPing it to a web host, or using something like MAMP or WAMP on your computer to create the server? Simply opening up a .php file in your browser won't work, since PHP needs a server to be able to understand and process PHP code. Besides that potential issue, I'm not really seeing anything that should be an issue, but I may be missing something.
  19. Wrapping up a new screencast series...

  20. Glad you got things working. One thing to note -- the "return false;" at the end of my function was there for a reason. If you try your example and click on the link, note how the "#" appears in the URL bar in the browser? Return false prevents the default action from occurring.
  21. Here's a super simple example with Javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> function testClick() { document.getElementById('test1').id = 'test2'; // finds element with an id of "test1", replaces id with "test2" return false; } </script> <a id="test1" onclick="return testClick()" href="#">Test</a>
  22. I think you're just running into the issue because you aren't supposed to have multiple elements on the page sharing the same id. Id's are supposed to be unique per page. Perhaps switch to using classes instead?
  23. Can you try one thing? Make sure the jquery code is within a document.ready block? $(document).ready(function(){ ... your jquery code here... });
  24. First thing I noticed: your input looks like this: <input id="item_affiliate" class="currency optional" type="text" name="item[affiliate_field]" disabled="disabled"></span> with an "item_affiliate" id, whereas the jquery code refers to an item with a "item_affiliate_field" id. Those two names need to match.
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