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  1. It makes sense ... if you mess with the core, good luck with any upgrades. Stefan
  2. A final comment: The use of inheritance in OOP is something you should do rarely in most cases. You only want to extend classes that will probably NEVER be changed ... so we are talking about hardcore foundation classes ... rare objects in your typical web application. Why? Because if you have to change a base class, you may very well break some or all the child classes .. a big mess. Inheritance (though a key part of OOP,) is dangerous because the process of inheritance creates a tightly coupled relationship - an interdependency that we as OO programmers try to avoid like the plague - or me, my ex girlfriend. Instead, use interfaces to keep the code structure consistent and use composition to reuse code. Stefan
  3. Yep, the moderators around here kick ass ... and spammers. I've relaxed the process of joining the forum because a lot of genuine users had trouble - I kept getting the emails. So I wanted to make it easier for them to join and post. My worry though was the spammers going wild. That said, this forum has pretty good anti spam tools that make it pretty easy to find and kill spam posts. We wants to keep the neighborhood safe for the kids! ... The original forum was a nightmare!! Stef
  4. So is the whole thing procedural? How well (or badly) is the code base organized? Stef
  5. Yet another example of the value of learning PHP ... Drupal is written in PHP of course. I haven't played with Drupal since version 6, but it was an impressive piece of software (from the users perspective) even then. I haven't looked at the code base, but I hear the Drupal nerds have put a lot of work into cleaning it up. Stefan
  6. Thanks for that .. very interesting stuff. Besides being a nerd, I've been studying martial arts for about 30 yrs and I've done some Japanese and Filipino weapons training along the way. Stefan
  7. This speaks to the importance of learning how to create pages for smartphones ... it's the future of web development. Stefan
  8. Glad you liked it. Besides a bunch of new training screencasts, I have a few videos that will deal more with the employment and business end of web design and programming. ... It is not enough to just know how to build a website, it's good to know what it takes to secure work. Stefan
  9. Hi, I just wanted to mention that we are currently working on a whole new style of video/screencast tutorial. We might have an early beta version out within 2 weeks. ... Keep enjoying the summer. Stefan
  10. Hi, This would be a combination of PHP and JavaScript using AJAX to bridge the two. It would take some thinking on how to exactly engineer this ... Stef
  11. Yep, Google+ is much better than Facebook.

  12. I agree with both statements. When an entire government puts forth a facade, that is supported by the media ... it is easy for the average person to be fooled by the propaganda. For example: - there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. - Iraq is a threat to the US. - and my personal favorite: they attack us because they hate our freedoms. ... Funny, they didn't attack Canada and we are even more free. What gives? Stefan
  13. I would Jquery instead. Stefan
  14. I'm here!! What's up? Your emails might be getting trapped in the spam box. I will PM you. S
  15. Hi, You can add the affiliate links to more than one web site. We just need to see that you have something legitimate. Let me know if you have any other questions ... you can PM me. Stefan
  16. Hi, Sorry, I don't use Win 7. I am actually still on Win XP!! ... My main computer now is a Mac Air. Stef
  17. If you are on Mac, you can use Apple's Pages ($19.99) ... it does a good job converting to PDF and it's a pretty good rich text editor too. Stefan
  18. Yep ... I agree. I just wasn't sure if you had some nuanced scenario that I was not considering - basically, you don't need to run a loop if the action has to executed only once. Loops are for repeating something many times. Stefan
  19. Ooops, sorry about that. Do you want a copy of the Javascript basics course? Let me know ... better yet, do you have a subscription to the killer video library? Let me know I will set it up. Since Ben is on it, I will leave it to Ben.
  20. Just set up a counter variable, increment it on a loop and test for the counters value with each loop. Stef
  21. I have both the iPad 2 and the Blackberry Playbook ... I rate tablets on the following criteria: Quality of the OS Quality of the hardware The tablet's ecosystem ... apps! The Playbook has superior hardware and the OS is better. iPad's OS is clunky by comparison. Blackberry has a smaller screen (7inch vs. iPad's 9 inch) making the Playbook easier to hold and handle but less attractive when viewing big pages. That said, I use the Playbook all the time to browse the web. Oh yea, Playbook runs Flash with NO problems. Finally, the Playbook's OS is much more stable (I've crashed the iPad 2 three times within 4 days) and the navigation is superior. iPad on the other hand, has a big advantage with the Apps. There are so many cool apps for the iPad, that no one else can compete in that regard. Should you get iPad 2 or the Playbook? It is really use-case specific; if you plan on casually browsing the web and watching videos etc ... then the Playbook. If on the other hand, you are interested in games and maybe apps related to education etc ... then iPad. Oh yea, Playbook has MUCH better sound. I got the Playbook for fun and the iPad for some video work. Stefan
  22. I created basic SQL videos a long time ago. We have a complete course on it too - MySQL and PHP: Course Contents: Database Basics What is MySQL - an introduction Connecting PHP and MySQL parts 1-4 PHPMyAdmin parts 1-2 SQL Basics and Statements parts 1-6 Advanced SQL - Join Queries Joins and Constraints Many to Many relationships Building SQL Views Count statements Timestamps, dates and ordering records Backup and restore databases MySQL built-in search
  23. Hi, Thanks for the feedback. We will see what people say over the next few days. Stefan
  24. Hi, Well we are about to start a new round of video tutorial creation and I was wondering if you all had any suggestions? Ben just finished the Building a CMS series and we have a CSS list and Navigation video coming out this week or next that does NOT use Dreamweaver. Some ideas: I am putting together a series on SEO that I should start recording this week. So far, I have 41 parts written up. I am now considering the following: - Beginners Illustrator. - iPad and iPhone development for web designers. - More wordpress based courses - say on plug-in creation? Any suggestions anyone? Stefan
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