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  1. Hi, I just wanted to start a discussion about this new forum to get your feedback. A few points: 1. We are still working on the skinning and features. 2. This forum is packed with capability. 3. What are your thoughts? Stef
  2. All you need to get started is my tutorial on OOP PHP.
  3. We will be able to do better than that I think - we are putting in a new system that should help with all this. Stefan
  4. When it comes to web design and creating web graphics, Photoshop is probably overkill for most of us. Photoshop is a powerhouse that is used in all types of graphic work (print, photography, 3d etc ..) and so it has a lot of features that we humble web designer will not use. I think the point made that prospective employers will be looking for photoshop skills in their web designers, has some merit. ... That said, if you learn to use the Gimp you will be able to jump into Photoshop very quickly and so I don't see a problem in using the Gimp for web graphics work. Stefan
  5. Good idea! ... And we should be set up within a day or two to handle that kind of collaboration. ... News is pending. Stefan
  6. Hi, I would not spend too much time on quotes from cold leads. I would send out a 'preliminary quote' of sorts ... basically a very simple quote based on limited data. Try to find a middle ground in terms of features and then present say: 1. Opening paragraph 2. Bullet points with main features 3. Closing paragraph 4. Your ball park price Then note that a detailed breakdown of the project, will be required for you to be able to produce a detailed quote. This detailed breakdown is valuable to them since it helps flesh out their options ... that means you should charge for that. BTW, nice site. Stefan
  7. administrator

    PHP session

    Hi, 1. Create a session on every page you want to track. 2. You need to first grab the current page the user is on .. using something like: $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; 3. You need to add the current page to the session array with each page the user lands on. 4. Now that you have the pages visited in session, you can display them back to the user. The code: <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['pages'] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // store session data echo "Pages Visited = ". $_SESSION['pages']; //display pages visited ?> I did not test this - so there maybe typos. Stefan
  8. It could be the .fla was made with an older version of Flash .. and thus an older version of actionscript and meanwhile, you are using a newer version of Flash. ... So the new Flash editor is seeing errors.
  9. Hi, I also put together a video a while back on Firefox plug-ins. Specifically: - Colorzilla - Firebug - Measure it Stefan
  10. This will require some programming and a little thought in terms of the work-flow. It maybe time to learn PHP.
  11. You would have to set up a local mail server. Best thing to do is to test on a live server. You MAY run into problems depending how your host is configured - some don't allow the use of the standard mail() function. ... You can write them and ask what the alternative is if that should be the case. Stefan
  12. I agree. The thing is, it's easier said than done! ... Especially with a site like killersites.com, where the audience is varied. Reminds me of when I was in a match (full contact fighting) and I was up against a really mobile guy ... and my coach would be yelling from the sidelines "... Just knock him out! Use your left hook!" ... And in my mind I was thinking ".. I'm trying! I'm trying! He just doesn't want to sit still ...!" Stefan
  13. Hi, You probably noticed that we've been reskinning some of our websites ... anyway, my question to you guys is what style do you prefer, the minimal: - www.csstutorial.net ... and we even get more minimal on the sub pages: - www.csstutorial.net/introductionCSS.php OR the more image heavy: - www.killersites.com/ Let me know. Stefan
  14. Hi, Try my matching columns script that automatically changes the height of your div as need be. Stefan
  15. Well, if something worked before and then on its' own stopped working, it seems to me that you have a case of gremlins. Nah, somehow the old not working version of the flash banners got put back would seem the logical - just replace them with your working flash banners. PS: flash banners don't convert 99% of the time. Stefan
  16. You go into 'preference', where you can set the file types that you want Dreamweaver to edit. Stefan
  17. Xara is really a drawing program like Illustrator and they have added in web design capability. I've been using Xara since it was Corel Xara back in the late 90's! It's the best drawing program there is, but web design ... ? I would only use it for very, very simple projects and prototyping. Stefan
  18. And I think this is just beginning! There are a lot of new developments coming out there ... and not just the Web world. I see crazy developments/advances in medicine, energy and whole lot more. Stefan
  19. Watch out spammers! The sheriff is in town and her name is Andrea!
  20. What a strange post .. out of the blue? :/ Hmm ... watch for spam. S
  21. That would suggest that the object has NOT been created at that moment. Are you typing the code? Have you compared it to the source files? Stefan
  22. Hi, You should watch my video on web design vs. graphic design - it may help. And you may want to read these articles: http://www.killersites.com/magazine/2009/the-dubious-advantages-of-a-web-design-degree/ http://www.killersites.com/blog/2010/the-future-of-web-design-as-a-career/ PS: be very, very careful about taking on student loan debt ... it can be very dangerous financially. I hope that helps, Stefan
  23. Just use Wiki software (it's free) and build up your site. Later, as the website grows you will be able to modify the look and feel. Stefan
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