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Wasn't sure if this should be here or in basic, but Layout goes like this.


I have a wrapper( header-wrapper[ header, logo], navigation, body-wrapper{body-header, body}, footer)


What is happening is I try to put overflow:auto in the body area and end up with a scroll bar in the body and then a scroll bar for what little page I have (about 700px)


I want the body and wrapper to grow as I start adding stuff like pictures.. right now I have a white background set for the wrapper and the body and a red background color overall


when I add pictures the pictures fill up the body and then keep going but where the line stops for the wrapper/body the pictures start being overlayed onto the red background..


How can I stop this? Hope this makes sense1


I think I know what you are saying, but you'll probably need to post your code (HTML + CSS) or a link to your page so we can help you.

I attached my main page, and the css file, although the problem doesn't occur untill i add more too it.. just copy that picture 3 or 4 times.


EDIT: In case you need it here is a link to the actual site.. www.forestcitybaseball.com




Oh My - THIS is why using tables for layout is not a good idea - coding nightmare.


Have you thought about just using CSS positioning for your layout?


In general, bodys and divisions grow with content - unless you have a set height specified, which causes problems, as you can tell.


Here's a brief tutorial on overflow: http://www.csstutorial.net/2010/06/the-css-overflow-property/


Oh My - THIS is why using tables for layout is not a good idea - coding nightmare.


Have you thought about just using CSS positioning for your layout?


In general, bodys and divisions grow with content - unless you have a set height specified, which causes problems, as you can tell.


Here's a brief tutorial on overflow: http://www.csstutorial.net/2010/06/the-css-overflow-property/


I didn't think I was using tables..

I think the biggest thing I don't understand about css is the "em" units or whatever..

Also how can I add styles to different items within one section?


Check your source code - it's full of <table>, <tr>, and <td>s - those are table tags.


Here is an explanation of em: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Em_%28typography%29


You should probably read through some basic CSS tutorials - for example: http://www.csstutorial.net/introductionCSS.php


Sorry but I didnt' use any of those in my page. I never learned tables. I picked up CSS about 5 years ago when I was on myspace creating my own layouts..


Unless you aren't getting the page correctly somehow or it's adding them when you view the source, I have no table tags..


sorry that was a mistake on my part. the actual site is forestcitytravelball.com

I didn't use any tables in it.

The other site is for a local team, that was the domain that we were wanting to get, but it was already taken


Also keep in mind this is the second website i've made. The other was made last year for my Senior Project, and it didn't get published.

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