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User Agent Tool


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With mobile becoming more active in our daily lives we find ourselves (as developers) trying to cater our design to that market. There are many tools that can help you such as BrowserStack.com. However, not every can afford using and it seems a bit cumbersome and lacking when you really need to troubleshoot design issues for certain devices. As you know, Firebug is a great tool for Firefox in reviewing, troubleshooting and testing pages....at least for desktop. Trying to do this for mobile is a pain because you are dealing with browsers that is rendering as a desktop. Oh sure you can set a fixed width to simulate a mobile screen size but you know well enough that it will not give you the true results. The biggest issue is where logic is applied to show certain code for desktop but not for mobile and vice versa.


One thing I found is a User Agent Switcher that you can plugin to your Firefox browser. Activate it and set the user agent to whatever device you are working on as in my case Samsung Galaxy 4. I would then set my Firebug UI location to be either Right or Left and adjust the screen so it's the size of the mobile's screen size. And now I can use my Firebug tool to troubleshoot any issues that I may have with Samsung devices.

You will also find that you can import a xml file that provides you with a comprehensive list of user agents for all types of devices including browser for Max, Linux as well as all types of mobile devices. Currently, you can find that download here


I am sure this has been around a few years but I have not really begun working with mobile until middle of last year and I struggled with it when it comes to troubleshooting.   I hope this helps.


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