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Rolling Text Box Question


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I am trying to create a rolling text box and am having some difficulty. The box shows up but the text is not rolling. Can anyone help? The code I used is as follows:


The HTML code:


Text for scrolling box here.




The CSS code:





background-color: #E2EBED;








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Sorry, here is that code which I placed in my index.html file after the above html code: (now that's everything I have for the rolling text box)


var slideTimeBetweenSteps = 30; // General speed variable (Lower = slower)



var scrollingContainer = false;

var scrollingContent = false;

var containerHeight;

var contentHeight;


var contentObjects = new Array();

var originalslideSpeed = false;


function slideContent(containerId)


var topPos = contentObjects[containerId]['objRef'].style.top.replace(/[^\-0-9]/g,'');

topPos = topPos - contentObjects[containerId]['slideSpeed'];

if(topPos/1 + contentObjects[containerId]['contentHeight']/1<0)topPos = contentObjects[containerId]['containerHeight'];

contentObjects[containerId]['objRef'].style.top = topPos + 'px';

setTimeout('slideContent("' + containerId + '")',slideTimeBetweenSteps);




function stopSliding()


var containerId = this.id;

contentObjects[containerId]['slideSpeed'] = 0;



function restartSliding()


var containerId = this.id;

contentObjects[containerId]['slideSpeed'] = contentObjects[containerId]['originalSpeed'];



function initSlidingContent(containerId,slideSpeed)


scrollingContainer = document.getElementById(containerId);

scrollingContent = scrollingContainer.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0];


scrollingContainer.style.position = 'relative';

scrollingContainer.style.overflow = 'auto';

scrollingContent.style.position = 'relative';


scrollingContainer.onmouseover = stopSliding;

scrollingContainer.onmouseout = restartSliding;


originalslideSpeed = slideSpeed;


scrollingContent.style.top = '0px';


contentObjects[containerId] = new Array();

contentObjects[containerId]['objRef'] = scrollingContent;

contentObjects[containerId]['contentHeight'] = scrollingContent.offsetHeight;

contentObjects[containerId]['containerHeight'] = scrollingContainer.clientHeight;

contentObjects[containerId]['slideSpeed'] = slideSpeed;

contentObjects[containerId]['originalSpeed'] = slideSpeed;






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Thanks!! It's working! However, the only line that is not validating is:


if(topPos/1 + contentObjects[containerId]['contentHeight']/1<0)topPos = contentObjects[containerId]['containerHeight'];


with the "<" highlighted and the following error message:


This message may appear in several cases:


You tried to include the "<" character in your page: you should escape it as "<"

You used an unescaped ampersand "&": this may be valid in some contexts, but it is recommended to use "&", which is always safe.

Another possibility is that you forgot to close quotes in a previous tag.


Do you know why that might be the case?


Thanks again!


Edited by AnitaB
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