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  1. That is great advice on the spellcheck of course. One quick question though, when you use all caps does that not give the general impression that you are yelling at the reader?
  2. There has been an influx of productive resource requirements resulting the incorporation of necessary delays in the direction of services. Please be assured that you are a highly valued customer and your needs will be directly addressed as soon as possible. Thank you again your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated along with your trust and business with this company. Sincerely
  3. working from home would drive me nuts never under sell the value of human interaction and good old workplace drama that makes the office so fun and interesting
  4. I personally do not believe that the "web" is going any where any time soon. There are way to many integrated infrastructures for the Web to strive within. Think about the office and college dorms filled with students who need to do papers and whatnots. It is convienant to have that lil device in your pocket and check random things on the go but for a full scale take over from laptops and desk tops I just dont see that happening at this time. While its true that every poece of technology is eventually replaced by something better the foundation for which the Web survises is far to solid and functional to be replaced completly by a pocket smart phone.
  5. Wow just reading this I would say that "client" had alot of personal issues before she even incorperated your services. It should have been a clue to you as soon as she started sharing personal information with you that it's time to get out of the situation. I would retain legal services and refer her to only contact your lawyer. Inform the attorney that you have lost business because of her and if she wishes to persue the matter you would like to counter sue for lost wages. Everyone goes threw one form of this or another, don't let her distract you from work and just move forward withother projects that positive and productive. good luck
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