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Everything posted by BeeDev

  1. I can see the tip of the ajax page at the bottom of the screen when I hover over the question mark, thats why a scrollbar appears and the question mark moves because of that and the hover gets cancelled because the question mark is no longer under the mouse pointer. And it repeats and repeats. Have you included the jTip CSS file with necessary instructions? If you have then just try putting: body { position: relative } #JT { position: absolute }
  2. You can hit F12 to open Developer Tools or go to "Tools" -> "Developer Tools F12" from the top right hand menu. Then choose the "Script" tab on the box that pops up from the bottom of your browser (You may need to enlarge the box as it may come up minimized at first). Then on the right hand portion you see more tabs, but by default "Console" will be chosen.
  3. Easiest way is to get Firebug for Firefox, or if you already have GOogle Chrome or Internet Explorer 8 they come with Javascript consoles too. Then you don't even need to put line breaks and stuff. And then you can start using: console.log(messageVariable) $(document).ready(function(){ var pTop = $("#content").position().top; var pLeft = $("#content").position().left; var h = $("#content").height(); var w = $("#content").width(); console.log("Top: " + pTop + ", left: " + pLeft); console.log("width: " + w + " height: " + h); Make sure to remove the console.log lines before going live though, they will throw an error message: "Console is not defined" when viewed with browsers without a javascript console.
  4. For items to slide in from right bottom, it's required that those items are positioned absolutely WITHIN a relatively positioned block element. Also it has to be aligned by bottom:x and right:x css. However seeing the hidden select list is positioned absolutely but not within a relatviely positioned element, I can't see any way to achieve what you're trying to do. However, in my opinion, a select box sliding down is much better and looks correct as opposed to sliding up.
  5. I always forget to test on IE :/ I'm trying to figure out the problem in IE, but no luck so far In terms of having a form that validates & opens in fancybox, I think it's possible BUT there's always Internet Explorer 6 & 7 that can stop you due to its unpredictable behavior. In your case, I think the plugins that you chose are not the best ones, especially that Fancybox which creates duplicate elements with same ID on a page, which just might be your IE problem. I'm going to try a different plugin called jQuery.Tools from Flowplayer guys (flowplayer[dot]org) instead of that fancybox and let you know of the results. Could be a while since it's quite busy at work as well. B.
  6. FancyBox - sample page Inline One Two Three Four
  7. Do you see any JS errors? Can't really pinpoint the problem like this, when there's no error messages or test page Maybe try another form plugin? There's one called jqTransform, it's open source: http://www.dfc-e.com/metiers/multimedia/opensource/jqtransform/
  8. $(document).ready(function() { $("a#contact").fancybox({ 'frameWidth': 300, 'frameHeight': 300, 'callbackOnShow': function(){ $('#demoselect, #loginselect').SelectCustomizer(); } }); }); This should do it The idea is that, hidden or display:none elements are not really affected by Javascript functions. So the idea is to call those functions when those elements are shown.
  9. The product search works ok for me. I'm using IETester browser.
  10. That script should NOT send even 2 emails Why? Because there's no LOOP. Show us the whole page or the complete php code, theres nothing wrong with the code you posted above. Why would one send 7 e-mails and another send 8 e-mails? And 31 and 42 ...... this just doesn't make sense. So post your whole code or do it again from beginning...
  11. Welcome to the Web Developer dilemma! We face this "Bot" related issues everyday. Best way is to add a Captcha which validates using Server Side scripts like PHP or ASP or .NET. And as an added security what I do regularly is put a hidden form field which contains the SessionID as value. SessionID is generated on each new "session" a user creates. That ID will be the same until that person closes the window/tab with your website. So how does SessionID help? It prevent XSS (Cross Site Scripting) so when you process the form fields, just compare the SessionID with the hidden form field, which should be same, if not just die() or response.end() Sorry if it's a bit hard to understand, but do a bit of research and u should find the answer. I use RECaptcha as my captcha tool. http://www dot recaptcha dot net
  12. something to do with drag & drop or tracking/following mouse movements. not sure...
  13. Or you can use .each(): $("a.add").each(function(counter){ $(this).click(function(){ $("ul:eq("+counter+") li").append("New one"); }); });
  14. wait for google to crawl ur site again ...
  15. Seemed a bit of overkill to include 55kb javascript lib (jQuery) just to hide/show a layer.
  16. you CAN use jQuery indeed, but you dont NEED to use jQuery, just normal Javascript is fine. the normal way: say you have a checkbox, and the form you want to hide/show is contained inside a div with an id="myDiv" ..... then you need a function called showHide that takes an element/object as a paramer -> (this)
  17. I see that you've implemented Lavalamp already Nice one, and glad I could help. You've got 1 Javascript error, from one of the
  18. Ok so I see that you're trying to make an animated menu? What you're trying to achieve can be implemented very easily using jQuery and a plugin for it called LavaLamp. You can read a very good tutorial on how to implement it on the following page: http://www .gmarwaha .com/blog/2007/08/23/lavalamp-for-jquery-lovers/ The second example down the page is perhaps exactly identical to what you're trying to do. This menu doesn't use "value" attribute and it should pass validation. Have a look and try to implement it, and if you need help or stuck on something then post it here.
  19. What are you trying to do? Perhaps show me an example/online page so that I can see. Why do you need to store values to ? You can't use ID or Class when you want to store "1" because ID and Class cannot start with numbers. onload is not available to anything except tag because its called when the page finishes loading, not one element. However you can use onload to fire a function that can manipulate the 's Show me an example/online page then we can start from there.
  20. Remove the }) right under the bold text, and remove the bold text also. That won't break the JS. I know this might be late, but have you tried wrapping the png image in a DIV tag, and manipulating the Opacity of that div tag instead of the image itself?
  21. If you haven't found a solution yet, I don't know if this will work, but you can try use jQuery's "fadeTo" function, alongside your "unqueued" animation. But I haven't tried it, normally the built in jQuery "fade" functions are ok with IE. so from your code: $(e).find("img.shadow").stop().animate({ width: "85px", height: "20px", marginLeft: "10px" },{duration: 250, queue:false}).fadeTo("normal", 0.25);
  22. Best way to overwrite your browser's (Firefox mostly) Favicon cache is to just visit the Favicon url. So type the Favicon url directly into your browser address like: http://www.myexample.com/favicon.ico
  23. There's some differences between presenting a Flat HTML site template and a CMS template. Those sites showcasing live previews are probably CMS driven websites with installable templates. There's a big difference there since the server-side .php or .aspx templates cannot be downloaded/copied/replicated without FTP/Admin access. My company just renders the design in .JPG and presents the client before doing ANY html work
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