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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Aside from what Wickham said - don't use tags to create space, that tag's meant for actual line breaks. Use the tags around actual paragraphs and add margins and/or padding to your CSS instead. And then there's that: HTML or XHTML
  2. I'm not quite sure what you're saying - but it's a good thing you're not using frames - you shouldn't. Maybe a bookmark might help with your issue?
  3. Looks like you 'fixed' your doctype -it's now complete, but you picked the wrong one. You're not using frames (which is a good thing - NEVER use frames) so don't use the frames doctype - go with HTML 4.01 strict. Your meta tags aren't closed, there's a div tag between the and the tag, and that's just the beginning of the errors you should clean up. Using is also not the best way to go- for one, is already bolded, but if you want to style if further, use the external CSS. In you CSS, it's not necessary to set your background color for every element - just pick the main one (in your case: centerdoc, change, and navigation), everything else will be just that - so you only have to mention it again, if you want something in a DIFFERENT color.
  4. What lm said about reading the forum rules - and over 150 validation errors, improper use of xhtml doctype, and I have a horizontal scrollbar, viewing @ 1280 width.
  5. It would help if we could see your entire html and css.
  6. Your code is correct - however, you'd do yourself a favor by consistently sticking to lower case file names - so use: instead (add the border info to your CSS. images/logo.jpg implies the following structure: Main folder (whatever folder your entire website is in) index.html images folder (another directory INSIDE your Main folder) logo.jpg (your images saved INSIDE the 'images' folder) Sidenote: for websites, only use gif, jpg, or png files for images - NOTHING else!!
  7. Here is a thread from the old forum that might be helpful: http://www.killersites.com/mvnforum/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=4284
  8. I've moved your post into its own thread. You may find the answer to your problem in this thread: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/839/page-cannot-be-displayed/ What tutorial are you following? I notice a couple issues in your code, but none of them explain why the pages won't work: Your doctype is not complete. You should always start your file names with lower case letters - it'll save you lots of problems in the long run (as file names are case sensitive)
  9. Wickham gave you the code to add images. Descriptions would be text - likely inside tags, underneath those images. You might want to check into Stef's Shopping Cart Tutorial
  10. Andrea


  11. PHP includes may be a good solution: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/357/repeating-sections-of-code-on-many-pages/
  12. Andrea


    301 redirects in .htaccess are also a good way to go
  13. Google might also be helpful: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Messenger+is+not+available+right+now.+Please+try+again+later.+(0x80ee000c)%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  14. You don't have to know any programming language - just follow the link LWS gave you.
  15. When 'the pages open in IE' - what is in your browser's url bar? And I do notice that in your last code, the file names are lower case, but in the first one, they are upper case. If your html has this in it: tops you have to have a file called tops.html (not Tops.html) uploaded to the SAME directory that your index.html is in. When you say 'click on the pages' - do you mean you click on the link on a page? And if you cannot get from home page to tops and from tops to pants - how do you get to tops to try to get to pants?
  16. There is a difference between glaring and legible. If the info is important enough to appear, it's important enough to be legible.
  17. You didn't ask for a review, but I thought I'd point out what I notice when I look at the site - it's just my opinion, consider it or not - The images in the flash banner are of very bad quality - I understand that was done to keep the file size down, but this is a photographer's site - the images there should look good. The red on maroon in the footer is almost impossible to read - I imagine for colorblind or vision impaired folks it's totally impossible. And it's not professional to add a 'best viewed with Browser' to a website - professionals build sites that work everywhere (within reason - it's ok to ignore IE < 6)
  18. You mean you are in IE, you go to File - Open - Browse, make your way to Tops.html and it won't open? Then post your code here.
  19. Andrea

    Browser Issues

    It would help if we could see the page or the code. I use * {margin: 0; padding: 0;} first thing on my stylesheet - it prevents a lot of discrepancies.
  20. What happens when you try to open one of the files that doesn't want to work via your Browser's 'File' - 'Open File' option?
  21. There are always issues with frames - if a search engine picks up on the content part of your framed page and links to it, the result will be a portion of the page as you intended it and likely won't have links (as navigation is commonly one part of a framed page). Best to ditch frames altogether.
  22. I moved this part into its own thread.... Do you have your site uploaded somewhere or is it just on your computer? - if uploaded, post the link. What do you mean by this: But again - there are only 4 reasons a link is broken: 1. Discrepancy between the exact spelling/typing of the actual file name 2. Path issue (are the files in the exact same folder your index page is in?) 3. File that's being linked to isn't uploaded 4. Error in HTML or CSS linking code
  23. He didn't say that - he said to TRY them. I imagine like everywhere else, some jobs get filled with people with experience, some may require less experience - but whether the government, or anybody else for that matter, would or would not hire you, is really not something anybody here can predict. The one thing all the job ads for webdesigners I've seen have in common is that they require samples of work that the applicant has done - so work on your portfolio.
  24. Actually, HTML strict would be the proper choice - for all your pages: http://www.killersites.com/forums/topic/62/html-or-xhtml-updated-30-july-06/
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