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  1. Just use php to override the #branding css rules right in the page. That is the easiest way. Another thing you could do, is use php to generate the css file on the fly .. that is more involved thought. You could also do this with DOM scripting. Stefan
  2. Hi, I wanted to get some suggestions from you guys in terms of what subjects you might like to see covered in tutorials, videos or podcasts? For instance: - more php? - more javascript? - deeper in css or html? - more on Wordpress? - basic design concepts? - photoshop? - any other programs: illustrator, dreamweaver, expression web, flash? - on seo? Let me know! Stefan
  3. Many times, hosting companies will not allow you access to php.ini ... and for good reason. Stefan
  4. Do you mean how many visitors? If so, just go to www.google.com/analytics/ Stefan
  5. I agree. There once was a time when I was a nerd-zealot and refused to use a good code editor when writing Java. Now, if any of you have seen Java code, you'd know how complex and verbose Java can get. Anyway, for a year or two I resisted and continued to use notepad to write Java .... then one day, I got wise and started using a program dedicated to writing Java. In software development, we call these IDE's: Integrated Development Environment ... This was the best move I could have made because my productivity jumped though the roof. Still, I needed to understand Java to take full advantage of the IDE. A little different from web design, but the spirit of the point I think holds true. Stefan
  6. Well, that can be said about any layout on any blog or CMS. That said, unless you need to support many, many users with really fine-grained rights management or you need to be able to say, define different themes per category ... I would just use Wordpress. Come to think of it, I don't even know if CMSMS supports different themes by category. I know Drupal can. Stefan
  7. Yes you can .. easily in fact. That said, it seems to me you need to learn some basic web design. We have two options, our video tutorial on web design and our dedicated website on basic web design. .. Your choice. So the first thing you should do, is load the site you have in a web browser and then go to File - > save page as ... and save the complete web page. This way, you will have a copy of what you have now. I hope that helps, Stefan
  8. @mindimercer, Do you know any HTML? :/ Stefan
  9. Can you add the HTML code as well for the page. Thanks, Stefan
  10. Wordpress has a huge community and thus lots of options in terms of templates and plug-ins. ... Beyond that, the WP engine is constantly updated and has a a lot of functionality built-in. I would say go with WP so you can take advantage of that. Stefan
  11. Thanks for the post. It is typically a good idea to wait a little while before downloading the latest version of a program ... problem is, I keep making the same mistake over and over again! Stefan
  12. I've never had that problem. I know a guy who once had a very profitably web based business and he got shut down for black-hat SEO and subsequently went BK. Don't mess with Google! You're still having the 180s delay? That is weird, you should be well past that. Stefan
  13. This is very dangerous ... if Google catches on, they could be banned for life. ... I've seen it. Stefan
  14. Object = a class that has been instantiated/created. Class = a blueprint for an object. Instance = is an object that has been instantiated. Context = the immediate environment in which an object resides. Does any of the above make sense? Stef
  15. I don't think you can overlay anything on top of a Flash movie. ... You ought to do this in Flash. Stefan
  16. All you need to do is: 1. assign the text you want displayed to a variable - this will be spit out by a function that does the final calculations. 2. once you have that variable, use simple DOM scriptiing to target a div and then insert that value with the innerHTML property. Stefan
  17. Sorry, I don't use Fireworks. Stefan
  18. @michael, Glad you liked it. We will be expanding the series on basic design principles over the next few weeks - along the same style concluding with a video tutorial or two that demonstrates all the design principles being put to the test. Stefan
  19. Wow .. old post. Just strip out the HTML tags in your output. Stefan
  20. If you write your code to web standards they will work across most if not all mobile devices. Stefan
  21. Hi, I deleted all those SEO posts from that spammer. Please don't reference his spam posts here or his spam posts on other sites. ... If you do, they will start to hit us like a roach infestation. Besides, if he really knew SEO beyond that which you can find just about anywhere, he wouldn't have to spam all over the Web. Stefan
  22. Thanks for the feedback. I've been considering south Florida for years and started looking at real estate down there in early 2007, just before the crash ... I figured it was coming and was scouting things out. I never pulled the trigger though, because I decided to wait for the crash to settle. It will take another couple of years I think, before we hit bottom. I believe the US will follow what happened in Japan: complete retracement of the gains accrued in the bubble. For the US, this means 1999 prices and lower. Stefan
  23. I'm curious, what would make Orlando a better choice than Miami? Thanks, Stefan
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