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This code is taking visitors away from my site site and I cannot figure out how to have it open in a new tab or window. I have used target=blank everywhere imaginable to no avail. Suggestions?




I don't think you can change that, that link is part of the RSS you're importing.


Also, you have 69 validation errors, are using an HTML 5 doctype, but instead of using HTML5 tags, you have a slew of deprecated tags and inline styling.


I don't think you can change that, that link is part of the RSS you're importing.


Also, you have 69 validation errors, are using an HTML 5 doctype, but instead of using HTML5 tags, you have a slew of deprecated tags and inline styling.



Do you mean that the WordPress theme is html5? Is there an app for searching it to locate the html tags and change them to html5? Are these the validation errors you referenced?


I just looked at your source code - it begins with

<!DOCTYPE html>

which is the doctype for HTML 5.


Most people really don't know this but that doctype is backward compatible and so using it will still force older/modern browsers like IE6, 7, 8 Firefox 2, Opera, etc. and on up to render the page(s) in standard mode.


Most people really don't know this but that doctype is backward compatible and so using it will still force older/modern browsers like IE6, 7, 8 Firefox 2, Opera, etc. and on up to render the page(s) in standard mode.


What would be the point so in using this doctype and nothing but pre HTML5 tags? Is there any advantage to that?

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