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border in sm photo of light box


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I found some code for a light box. I have fingered out how to tweak it all to what I want it to do, but for one prob there is a blue border on the small photos. I do not want it blue it does not go with my color sceam. If some one can tell me where this is set at for I can change it, Thank you. http://www.robertbonnerswebdesigns.com/photo_gallery.htm this is the link to the page.

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Thanks Ben, that worked. I was just writing the css as photo_gal a { border none }; adding the img fixed the prob. I added this little replay comment hoping it might help some one else out in the future also will make me remember better. Oh ya I was adding it to the wrong style sheet also had to go in my main ccs not the light box css as I thought.

Edited by grabenair
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Yes sir, I always just start with making the nav and the header. Then make all the pages with the divs and the ul's and css that I need. Then make them library items in DW. Then I move on to creating what ever img that I need. Also I am not very fast I have only been doing this for about 2 years. I still have a long way to go. I can write code ok but when it come to the design aspect I am afraid that I am not all that good. I kinda struggle with it.

Edited by grabenair
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