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Web Site Footer


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Hello i was wondering if anybody had a solution to fix my footer, i have it divided up into 3 divs across the bottom to layout the text and such correctly, but it does not want to expand to cover the entire bottom horizontally when i view it in the browser.





Heres the test site: http://www.perrysdesign.com/perrys_design



Any help is very much appreciated.








Cody Perry

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I'm viewing with FX at 1280px width, and your footer is broken into 3 parts - the twitter and phone divs on the left, Perry's Design on the right kind of in the middle. There does not seem to be enough room to fit all 3 divs next to each other.


Also, it appears that the FB, Twitter, Envelope, and Phone image are separate images - I don't see the point for an image map. Just make each image a link. Overall, there are all kids of empty p tags and line breaks being used to create space - that's bad practice and clearly not 'web standard'.

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Hello i was wondering if anybody had a solution to fix my footer, i have it divided up into 3 divs across the bottom to layout the text and such correctly, but it does not want to expand to cover the entire bottom horizontally when i view it in the browser.


If you want it to stretch the entire width, you'll need to use percentages rather than a fixed pixel width for the elements. Something like this:


<div id="footer">

<div class="left">left</div>

<div class="center">center</div>

<div class="right">right</div>



where footer is 100% width and the three divs inside are each 33% width.

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Thanks for the help. One more question, once i set all of those to 33% how would i get the center one to be in the center, the left div to be on the left and the right div to be on the right like all on the same line and such so the text will line up together?










Cody Perry

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