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post an XML file or Data to https:// URl

I have an xml filled out form, that needs to be sent to a url how do i go about this please help



include_once "connect.php";

include_once "../functions.php";


if (!$compid) {

header("Location: login.php");

exit("Not logged in");




$ids = array();

$rs = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM leads WHERE origQuotes>$minOrigQuotes AND origQuotes>fetchedQuotes") or die(mysql_error());

while (list($id) = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {

if (!empty($_REQUEST["cb$id"])) {

$ids[] = $id;



if (count($ids)) {

$ids = "(id=".implode(" OR id=", $ids).")";

$rs = mysql_query("SELECT leftLeads FROM companies WHERE id=$compid") or die(mysql_error());

list($limit) = mysql_fetch_array($rs);





include "header.php";


$rs = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM companies WHERE id=$compid") or die(mysql_error());

list($compEmail) = mysql_fetch_array($rs);


$rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM leads WHERE $ids LIMIT $limit");



$xml = intval($_REQUEST['xml']);

$xmlMSG = "";

$ids = array();



$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";

$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";

$headers .= "From: Movers Community <info@moverscommunity.com>\n";


while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {

for ($x = 0; $x < mysql_num_fields($rs); $x++) {

$a=mysql_fetch_field($rs, $x);

${$a->name} = trim(stripslashes($row[$x]));



if ($xml == 0) {

$MSG = "Name = $firstName $lastName<br>";

$MSG .= "Home Phone = $homePhone<br>";

$MSG .= "Work Phone = $workPhone<br>";

$MSG .= "Email = $email<br>";

$MSG .= "Move Date = ".date("m/d/Y", $Move_Date)."<br>";

$MSG .= "Move Size = $Move_Size<br>";

$MSG .= "From City = $From_City<br>";

$MSG .= "From State = $From_State<br>";

$MSG .= "From Zip = $From_Zip<br>";

$MSG .= "To City = $To_City<br>";

$MSG .= "To State = $To_State<br>";

$MSG .= "To Zip = $To_Zip<br>";

$MSG .= "Comments = ".nl2br($comment)."<br>";

$MSG = "<div>$MSG</div>";


$subject = "Lead From Movers Community";


$st = mail($compEmail, $subject, $MSG, $headers);

echo ($st) ? "Lead #$id sent.<br>" : "Lead #$id couldn't be sent.<br>";


if ($st) {


mysql_query("UPDATE companies SET leftLeads=leftLeads-1, totalLeadsUsed=totalLeadsUsed+1 WHERE id=$compid") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("UPDATE leads SET fetchedQuotes=fetchedQuotes+1 WHERE id='$id'") or die("ERROR #1322");

mysql_query("REPLACE INTO chosenLeads (lid, cid) VALUES('$id','$compid')") or die("ERROR #1323");



else {

$xmlMSG .= " <lead>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Name>$firstName $lastName</Name>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Home_Phone>$homePhone</Home_Phone>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Work_Phone>$workPhone</Work_Phone>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Email>$email</Email>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Move_Date>".date("m/d/Y", $Move_Date)."</Move_Date>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Move_Size>$Move_Size</Move_Size>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <From_City>$From_City</From_City>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <From_State>$From_State</From_State>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <From_Zip>$From_Zip</From_Zip>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <To_City>$To_City</To_City>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <To_State>$To_State</To_State>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <To_Zip>$To_Zip</To_Zip>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " <Comments><![CDATA[$comment]]</Comments>\n";

$xmlMSG .= " </lead>\n";

$ids[] = $id;



//echo "$MSG<BR><BR><BR>";


//header('location: thanks.php');





if ($xml && count($ids)) {

$xmlMSG = "<leads>\n$xmlMSG</leads>";




$subject = "Leads From Movers Community";

$st = mail($compEmail, $subject, $xmlMSG, $headers);

if ($st) {

foreach ($ids as $id) {

echo "Lead #$id sent.<br>";


mysql_query("UPDATE companies SET leftLeads=leftLeads-1, totalLeadsUsed=totalLeadsUsed+1 WHERE id=$compid") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("UPDATE leads SET fetchedQuotes=fetchedQuotes+1 WHERE id='$id'") or die("ERROR #1322");

mysql_query("REPLACE INTO chosenLeads (lid, cid) VALUES('$id','$compid')") or die("ERROR #1323");



echo "Leads couldn't be sent.<br>";




echo "<br><br><center><big><b>";

echo "<span style='color:red'>$ok</span> leads were sent to $compEmail<br>";

echo "</b></big></center>";


include "footer.php";




please let me


I guess he means sending the XML string as a POST or GET data to a specific URL. You need to use xmlHttpObject in Javascript, or use cURL in PHP but I think you need to have cURL extension installed, which depends on your hosting. Just search for above terms on google and you should get your answers in detail.


well basically after i collect the data i need to send it to a url data system currently i can send the file as a xml and html to people email addresses , i need to be able to send it for example http://test.granot.com/bin/wc.dll?lidgw~TESTLEADPOSTING they have a system where automatically collect the data as xml . usually me webmaster deals with this he is currently on vacation is this a hard thing to do ?

Posted (edited)

As I said,


You need to use xmlHttpRequest object in Javascript, or cURL in PHP to achieve that. And no it's not that hard, just Google cURL or xmlHttpRequest, and read up.


Taken from php.net (http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php):


$data = "<soap:Envelope>[...]</soap:Envelope>";
$tuCurl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://example.com/path/for/soap/url/");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_PORT , 443);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, getcwd() . "/client.pem");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, getcwd() . "/keyout.pem");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd() . "/ca.pem");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: text/xml","SOAPAction: \"/soap/action/query\"", "Content-length: ".strlen($data)));

$tuData = curl_exec($tuCurl);
 $info = curl_getinfo($tuCurl);
 echo 'Took ' . $info['total_time'] . ' seconds to send a request to ' . $info['url'];
} else {
 echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($tuCurl);

echo $tuData;

Edited by BeeDev
  • 2 weeks later...

As I said,


You need to use xmlHttpRequest object in Javascript, or cURL in PHP to achieve that. And no it's not that hard, just Google cURL or xmlHttpRequest, and read up.


Taken from php.net (http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php):


$data = "<soap:Envelope>[...]</soap:Envelope>";
$tuCurl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://example.com/path/for/soap/url/");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_PORT , 443);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, getcwd() . "/client.pem");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, getcwd() . "/keyout.pem");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd() . "/ca.pem");
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($tuCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: text/xml","SOAPAction: \"/soap/action/query\"", "Content-length: ".strlen($data)));

$tuData = curl_exec($tuCurl);
 $info = curl_getinfo($tuCurl);
 echo 'Took ' . $info['total_time'] . ' seconds to send a request to ' . $info['url'];
} else {
 echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($tuCurl);

echo $tuData;



I think he finds the js object easier than the curl concept.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I am trying to send an XML file to another localhost:1078/XML/Test.aspx using http web request. I need help for that.



Edited by Andrea
Link Deleted - No SPAM, please

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