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my website went all haywire


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I had it set up perfectly for the past few months and just about an hour ago it wouldn't load and then the layout went everywhere. I checked in firefox and it look like it did before and I can't figure out why it looks it does in internet explorer. They looked identical for months up until an hour ago. Please check this and give advice!


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The site looks the same to me in FX and IE8, and while I don't know what it's supposed to look like, it doesn't look broken. However, <wrapper> is not a valid tag - use <div id-="wrapper"> instead. Overall, you have 32 validation errors, are not properly using lists for your menu.

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I had it set up perfectly for the past few months and just about an hour ago it wouldn't load and then the layout went everywhere. I checked in firefox and it look like it did before and I can't figure out why it looks it does in internet explorer. They looked identical for months up until an hour ago. Please check this and give advice!




Hi - I have looked at it in both IE and Firefox, and they do look different - but it is hard to tell what it is supposed to look like with no reference. Is this supposed to be fixed or fluid? In Firefox the blue text areas fall off the image to the sides when I have my browser in fullscreen on a 23" monitor. Having looked at your code i agree that you have to write the wrapper tags correctly, they will not work unless you do.


Write them as Andrea suggested - <div id="wrapper"> and then in your CSS try this -


#wrapper {

width:whatever your image width is; (this will keep the blue boxes from falling off the image in wider monitors/higher resolutions)


margin-right:auto; (this will center it)



Play with the CSS as much as you need to, to get it how you want it - but fix the wrapper tags first or none of it will work.


Hope this helps,

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