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Spaces On A Text Line


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Long time no see!


I have an easy one, (I think!)


In this little poem (prayer) I want to have the words "Childrens Prayer" to appear on the same line as the bottom line but with considerable space added.


<p>Thank you Lord for the world so sweet,<br>
Thank you for the food we eat.<br>
Thank you for the birds that sing,<br>
Thank you, God, for everything.</p>                         Children’s Prayer


Any suggestions?





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You could do it dirty and use a lot of blank spaces using ASCii code.


But the best way would be wrap the "children's Parayer" in a Span tag, and give the span tag a left margin, that should do it.

<p>Thank you Lord for the world so sweet,<br>
Thank you for the food we eat.<br>
Thank you for the birds that sing,<br>
Thank you, God, for everything.<span margin-left: 20em>Children’s Prayer</span></p> 

You just need to figure out what distance and what form it takes, em, % pixels, inches. I think I got the coding right but it has been a long time, so if it does not work just look up the correct format for inline margins, but I think that is right.

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