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Using Position Absolute to put Menu (visually) on top of page....but having the source for the menu at the bottom of the page.


Is this good? or bad?


The reason I been thinking about this is because the menu WORDS are getting indexed on the content description on SERPS.



By placing the menu Source on bottom the main content is near the top. This can also be handy for readers I guess. Specially if the menu is huge


by menu I mean "Banner images and text", "Welcome User login name", "navigation stuff" as in login/logout...


Some do, but now adays it is really optional, the BIG ones don't needed, but is still good to use I think. Google for example will index a site just fine even if the site has no description meta tag



I was just playing with my description meta tag. Was contacting the City/State to it to make the meta tag more unique and not duplicate among my pages.

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