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Text-Align: Right;


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I have been trying to make a portion at the end of a paragraph shift over to become right aligned with the right margin. For instance:


"A man goes to a shrink and tells him that no one talks to him. The doctor says, “Next.” (- Henny Youngman) (<-This being aligned with the right margin, as with a "right justify" tab on a typewriter.)


I have tried to use <span> and defining it in the CSS as text-align: right;


Any clever ideas?



Edited by daddyalfie
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Have you tried a float?


Other than that, if you give me the rest of your page, I can try and play with it.


HMM! Interesting possibility! I had not considered that. I'll let you know of my results.


Thanks Andrea!




PS. here is the page(s) in question. You may have to search a bit to find the area I am trying to fix in the text. There are quite a few instances where there are quotes of jokes, or just plain quotes, that have an origin referenced. I want the references to be "right justified". Make sense?


www.sunshine-magazine.org/2013/may-13.php (I shall check that link to see if it is accurate!)





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Hi all:


Andrea's suggestion worked! But thee are a few gremlins that I need to address.


I defined <span> in the CSS as float: right; and clear: both; It works for the most part but there are instances where the <p> margins get screwed up. I think I need to play with the "clear" attribute.


Check my results HERE


(While in there, check my customer's corny sense of humor!)





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I don't see the span tag addressed at all in your CSS and there's no inline styling applied to it in the HTML, either. The stuff inside the span tag appears to the right of the screen in the code, but that does not show up in the browser on the actual page.


I think the page would look better if you added some padding around the text, so it doesn't run so close to the outer edge of the wrapper.


As far as coding issues, I see the following:


There's an empty li tag in your list. (in both navigations)

Quotes inside HTML should be written as ", not "

In the Constant Care paragraph, your closing span tag is missing its closing bracket.

2 sets of empty p tags above your footer navigation.

Your you don't have an equal number of opening and closing divisions.


The validator shows over 154 errors.


Also - have you considered Wordpress? That would be ideal for something like this.

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Never mind - I found the span CSS.


I found most, if not all of the boo-bos you mentioned and you may have opened the HTLM within the span of about a half hour before I realized that I had forgotten to upload the edited CSS! :bash: Sorry!


The whole issue turned out to be in vain anyway, as the customer (My brother-in-law) changed his mind and wanted it back to the way it was! :bash:


The 154 errors bother me quite a bit as it used to have a perfect score, but that was several years ago. Thanks for pointing it out, and I shall certainly check it out!


P.S. I just used the HTML validator and 151 of those errors were "non SGML character number ###, in other words all my apostrophes and quotation marks! :bash: . Am I using the wrong character set or what?


Three issues are left that I believe I can deal with.


Happy spring!



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You quotes and apostrophes are copied and pasted.


- open quote


- closing quote


- apostrophe


They are slanted which is why I believe it was copied and pasted from some kind of document editor such as Word.


You can easily do a find and replace for each one of those.


Correct quote/apostrophe:


" - for open and closing quotes


' - for apostrophe


You will notice the correct ones are straight up/down and not slanted.

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