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Everything posted by jsmith1981

  1. I'd be willing to help you when you want, I found CSS really super frustrating and feel you when you say you find it all yea hard to do.

    I'd love to help a similar person to what I used to be like.

    Let me know and take care,


  2. I am not a noob when it comes to say sys admin (dont tons of work in that respect, so that's my background), personally I find the tips in the book CSS Mastery by Andy Budd full of amazing tips part of that and yea what the OP said once you break things down and really experiment (by seeing what happens to an element when I do this..) in exactly the same way when I came to fully understand Regex's (I would strongly recommend noob's going into any kind of programming that has functions for regex's not to start off doing them they're very cryptic) but yea I experimented now I can (when I think about it hard) even diagnose regex's or explain what they do by just looking at them closely. It's the same approach I have to CSS. One thing I'd say not even that sometimes with what the OP (absolutely no offence meant by this, this is purely just my opinion), if all you have for say a top heading (H1 if you will) and its just purely that nothing else why bother putting that (if it's on its own) as an ID? Unless you wanted a similar style to that on other parts of the page, but if not just use the type/element selectors!
  3. Just a point out really, which mode of editing are you using? There's visual and text, using text this won't happen. You'd have to enter all the html yourself
  4. I don't understand why I can't remove the bullet styling of the list still, tried again (I tried changing both the element and selectors to a class, thus my silly mistake in my first post in this thread, changed the CSS but not the markup), does anyone have an idea as to why?
  5. I did already do that, must have got confused with editing (got allot of things on at the moment), but it's still not working even when I address that problem (why it worked in compat mode in IE10). Please see attached.
  6. I am having problems getting my head around what I have done here to cause this, but basically I want say a list of links to appear at the bottom of my site (above a static element at the bottom) but there's a snag, no matter how hard I try can't remove the bullet point from even one list (li) element. When I try with this CSS logic: /* Theme Name: Sweet Sparkle Hampers Author: Jeremy Smith */ * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; color: #000; background: #f784a5; } h1 { font-size: 1.8em; color: #f784a5; } h2 { font-size: 1em; } a { text-decoration:none; } #banner-menu { display: block; position: fixed; width: 100%; z-index: 999; background: #000; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px; font-size: 0.9em; } #banner-menu .user-nav { margin-right: 20px; } #banner-menu .user-nav li { list-style: none; padding: 0 15px 0 0; display:inline; float:right; } #banner-menu .user-nav li a { color: white; } #banner-menu .user-nav .user-register { float: left; color: red; padding-left: 20px; } #banner-menu .user-nav .user-register a { color: red; } #page { background: #fff; position:relative; top: 40px; /* margin: 0 60px 0 60px; */ margin: auto; width: 970px; height: 680px; padding: 25px 25px 15px 25px; /* REMEMBER ITS: */ /* border: 1px solid #000; /* used for guidance only! */ } #heading { display:inline; } #heading h1 { text-transform: uppercase; padding-bottom: 5px; } #heading h2 { padding-bottom: 45px; } #products-banner { height: 400px; text-align:center; margin-bottom: 70px; } #products-banner img { /* try to remove padding within images but not really to worry */ padding: 0; margin: 0; } h3#home-message { text-align:center; color: red; text-transform: uppercase; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; } h3#home-message a:visited { /* NOTHING AS YET */ color: red; } h3#home-message a:hover { /* NOTHING AS YET just the same colour */ color: red; } .footer { /* nothing as yet */ background: #cccccc; width: 910px; margin: auto; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; } .footer ul li { text-decoration: none; } /* now for the footer: */ #site-footer { display: block; position: fixed; width: 100%; z-index: 999; background: #000; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px; font-size: 0.9em; bottom: 0; } #site-footer p#author { color: white; float: right; padding-right: 35px; } #site-footer p#author a { color: white; text-decoration: none; } #site-footer p#author a:link { color: white; text-decoration: none; } #site-footer p#author a:hover { color: white; text-decoration: none; } #site-footer p#author a:visited { color: white; text-decoration: none; } (sorry it is rather a long one) Then with this markup: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <!-- META TAGS --> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <!-- END META TAGS --> <!-- TITLE START --> <title>Sweet Sparkle Hampers & Wedding Hire | Sweet Sparkle Hampers makes gift hampers for all occasions</title> <!-- TITLE END --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.sweetsparklehampers.com/wp-content/themes/sweetsparkle/style.css"> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="http://www.sweetsparklehampers.com/wp-content/themes/sweetsparkle/js/htmlshiv.js"></script> <![endif]--> <meta name="description" content="Sweet Sparkle Hampers make gift hampers for all occasions from birthdays to new baby there is something for everyone to suit all budgets. We also hire out table centre pieces for your special day as well as favours"> <meta name="keywords" content="hamper gifts, hampers, all occasions birthdays to new baby babies, hiring centre pieces, special day"> <meta name="author" content="Jeremy Smith | Web Services Consultancy, Harrogate, UK (jeremysmith.me.uk)"> </head> <body> <!-- STATIC TOP MENU FOR USER --> <div id="banner-menu"> <ul class="user-nav"> <li><a href="#">Checkout</a></li> <li><a href="#">Basket</a></li> <li><a href="#">Wishlist</a></li> <li><a href="#">My Account</a></li> <li class="user-register"><a href="#">Login|Register</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- END OF STATIC TOP MENU FOR USER --> <div id="page"> <!-- PAGE TITLE & DESCRIPTION --> <div id="heading"> <h1>Sweet Sparkle Hampers & Wedding Hire</h1> <h2>Sweet Sparkle Hampers makes gift hampers for all occasions</h2> </div> <!-- END PAGE TITLE & DESCRIPTION --> <div id="products-banner"> <img src="http://www.sweetsparklehampers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/1004544_642654019088856_612530407_n-banner.jpg" alt=""> <img src="http://www.sweetsparklehampers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/998315_639162619437996_1265361729_n-banner.jpg" alt=""> <img src="http://www.sweetsparklehampers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/482414_642649705755954_1533956264_n-banner.jpg" alt=""> <h3 id="home-message" title="Shop Coming Soon"><a href="">Shop Coming Soon</a></h3> </div> <footer> <ul> <li>Link 1</li> </ul> </footer> </div> <!-- author info banner --> <div id="site-footer"> <p id="author">Design & Theme (Sweet Sparkle) by <a href="http://jeremysmith.me.uk/">Jeremy Smith</a> | CMS Provided by <a href="http://wordpress.org/" target="_blank">wordpress.org</a></p> </div> <!-- end author info banner --> <!-- END OF PAGE --> </body> </html> The bullet point just stays there it's this point that I mean: <div class="footer"> <ul> <li>Link 1</li> </ul> </div> With this added CSS: .footer { /* nothing as yet */ background: #cccccc; width: 910px; margin: auto; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; } .footer ul li { text-decoration: none; } Though when I turn Compat mode on in IE10 it works, not sure what I have done wrong here, there's obviously a conflict. Any help's massively appreciated. Thanks, Jeremy.
  7. I found this sites guides here when trying to build up a guide for myself of what to do and what not to do: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/the-30-css-selectors-you-must-memorize/ Well of course it's more of things to remember, mind you from a book I was reading Andy Budd CSS Mastery I think the above links guide is more of what you'd appreciate I think. I mean I am trying to unlearn what I did at University in my first year of web development and try and regain some more professional approaches to CSS. Good luck with your work. I just think knowledge is allot of power if you get the right information that is.
  8. Yea I think the only way one can tell about this is when you use a plugin like Firebug or something similar to where you can just disable parts of a CSS selector like font-weight and see it's impact on the CSS to see if it's having any affect like that where it's been copied multiple times of a selector that has a parent inheritance I think. I truly appreciate your reply, Jeremy.
  9. I find I can go through allot more work when I am at work than doing it at home myself. But it depends on what the actual work itself is.
  10. I have a question regarding your CSS Stef if you don't mind or anyone really that fancies answering I really don't mind of course! Ok I have this CSS thats literally from the tutorial: /* Overall Selectors */ body { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 14px; color: #333333; background-color: #f9f9f9; } p { width: 80%; } li { /* stands for list item (li) */ list-style-type: none; /* Find out this attributes values */ line-height: 150%; list-style-image: url(../images/arrowSmall.gif); } h1 { /* Could not we really excuse this and leave it within the body? */ font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; } Like so would be left for h1: h1 { font-size: 18px; } Otherwise you are just putting in formatting just for the sake of it when the formatting you are using is already part of the tags appearance. I have the above but like take this one as an example 'font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;' we have already used this in the body tag so wouldn't that already be set? Also with this here: 'font-weight: bold;' within the h1 tag specifically this is the default formatting for such a tag anyway, I have probably been reading Andy Burr is it the author of CSS Mastery or some book like that which says keep it as kind of existing as possible. Like don't use formatting that's already there or could be used for something else, I just thought I would ask this wouldn't affect the way it looks if I removed those would it? I just thought I would ask. Thank you and I appreciate any replies, Jeremy.
  11. I think you are one of the nicest peoples with a very opinionated mindset which is great, I don't think Flash at this very moment will actually go out myself, not completely.

    I mean to be fair you do have a very good point with your videos in that people who want to author videos (i.e. just use a method of outputting them) will use HTML5 and I personally welcome the competition.

  12. That's a great signature, I think Black Adders funny not that I have seen much of it though only just got into liking comedy of that nature. Fawlty Towers being one of my all time favourites though of course
  13. Hi there, I have spoken briefly to Stef he's a great guy very impressed with the tutorials on youtube given me allot of insight into what some people (really just himself) but into what's going on in web dev which is great really very impressed, very politely put too. Just really looking forward to helping out if I can in anyway? Big fan of the open source community and feel I want to put back in what I can of what I have taken from it in a manner of speaking (taught myself) but I want to aid others. I spent 3 years on a degree in Computer Science at Leeds University and like to delve into technologies on a practical level, even getting under the hood and appreciating why we have Higher Level Languages like PHP (I think it's great!) But going back to the finer workings of Assembly (it's a complex language but very interesting if you're willing to give it a chance, I think so anyways), studying at the moment the K&R book on ANSI C the most notable book when C became a standard rather than this mish mash of functions people wrote into C, they stripped it down to what was useful in what other developers have created (ultimately founding the ANSI standard for C). Does anyone know how to, sorry I will explain the problem as best I can I have this problem basically, where I have done a few commands to generate my own Secure Layer Encryption using Apache 2 on Centos 5.7. Just to see if I could actually do this, works perfectly (though I need to bump up the security on little bits of it (only allowing myself on a few IPs to access the site itself), but its only giving me a month worth of usage on my self signed certificate. On genkey command using this command here: If you're able to use that command yourself (or if someone knows of this command) it will invoke a GUI in text mode if you are logged in via SSH (me personally using Putty, but that's irrelevant to my question) when it generates this self signed certificate there. But how would one extend it's life time more than just 1 month? I much appreciate any replies in advance (if any) and I look forward to helping out and taking an active role in this community, Jeremy (aka Jez).
  14. I personally use Centos Linux for my Web and Email servers, which I host myself, just was fascinated by making my own hosted server that's really only got resources by way of bandwidth for just me, gets by though but it only gets a maximum of 2mb but it has 3 old P3 processors so it's quite small really but with about well above 10GB of RAM so it's quite neat really, got it free from a colleague of mine (what my wordpress blog runs on actually). I also run on that IIS on a different port (since I only have 1 public facing IP address) and use that for the Microsoft side of it, on the same physical computer but as 2 different virtual hosts using Paravirtualization using Xen. I also have a what I call a work station I have done various things on which I had on a dual boot I should say now Windows XP and Centos Linux aswell (thought I did also have a authenticated method too evem on XP to Linux) so some users had to exist as a user on a server to be allowed on my workstation, just wanted to see what I could do with it. I like both really for different reasons but never really considered a Mac to be honest, not that I am against them for designers it's great but to be honest I think their way over priced personally. That's my thoughts anyways, I get my kicks highs out of developing applications not designing, Jez.
  15. I was hacked once on a different level to my wordpress blog (I know how infurriating it is believe me), this person was trying to get into one of my services I run on my own hosted web server (I leave it on all the time), so as a precaution I downloaded a package to my firewall to block them by their repeating IPs if they make x number of attempts to login within certain times then they get auto blocked from my router (stops them getting into anything) using pfSense, then took the hosting company the IP address went to a whois and made an abuse report to them (where actually in America in my case) and gave them the logs of the information, if you have their IP address then why not do a whois lookup and find out which company those IPs come from? They will without a doubt have some kind of abuse email you can report to as even in the well developed countries will have an abuse email to report misuse of their network, their breaking their ISPs rules if they attempt to hack into your application, in the UK this is known as a breach of the Computer Misuse Act which can have huge implications, the US has a very similar act they go by. I would personally report them, I just did and I have experienced my site being allot faster again thank god. Best of luck with it!
  16. I mean don't be so hard on yourself either is my opinion (I am to myself allot wanting to really get into doing OOP myself, why I came on here), after say 3-4 years of doing this kind of work in ecommerce at large I find it really easy myself now to work out what works or what might work sometimes for someone/company but I have been doing this constantly, it's in a nutshell down to pure experience the more you review and look at existing solutions out there the more it will just click into place. I hope that makes some sense?
  17. I use wordpress for my blog and really like it myself, though I can say it's probably way too overkill for somethings, but for me personally it's great!
  18. Hello I am new I will post an introduction for myself in another section. Have you had a look at Prestashop? It's a great solution though again I am not sure if exactly it would be what your client requires. It's amazingly fast though compared to some others I have found with like allowing for Ajax searches even a function identical to Instant Search from Google, just an opinion though again not entirely sure if your client would need all the things that Prestashop offers. To be honest nor does the company I work for to which I am profiling Prestashop for, trying to load as many of our products on as possible at this present moment and have not seen any decrease in its power. The only 1 downside I can see at the moment is that it does not have the Payment Integration we require at work, though it is available through their mods/plugins but at a cost since the actual Prestashop package is entirely free. ZenCart was one I looked at and it appears great for what it does though, there's literally loads even if you want to make your own there's guides out there, what I am planning on doing in the next few months from this site, can't wait really but I want to get doing on my TCP socket server (decided to start off the TCP socket server in PHP for some peculiar reason , no offence to PHP but I have been advised you get up to say 6 maybe concurrent connections and it just lacks and gets really laggy). Just for thoughts really good luck with your work, unfortunately I am too busy at the moment but really loving this forum and the tutorials, Jeremy.
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