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  1. hi, It would me much easier for peop;e to help you if you upload your file and post a link. keep in mind that php is a server-side script, meaning it reside on the server and not all servers are configure the same, so it may not work on your test server but might work online on different configuration
  2. hi, validate your rss feed at http://validator.w3.org/feed/ the usual problem is the feed encoding which confuses rss reader
  3. hi using video has it pros and cons. videos takes time to load and takes more bandwidth, unless its really necessary to make a point, so use it sparingly. not all viewer has fast connection and most don't want to wait for the video to download. you can search the web for video editing tools. I'm not really familiar with video editing software for windows or mac but I think there's a lot available. the most commonly used video format is flv but mp4 is gaining ground.
  4. hi try this #nav a { color:#FFFFFF; display:block; line-height:2em; text-decoration:none; padding-bottom:8px; <= add this adjust as necessary }
  5. hi, what is the error message? Is your mp3 file in the same folder as your compiled swf file?
  6. hi, You can use ODBC to connect to MS Access Database or You can try MySQL Migration Toolkit (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html) to convert MS Access to MySQL. If you already have MySQL server installed you can transfer data directly to MySQL database or create an sql file which can be imported to MySQL database.
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