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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I may be misunderstanding something, too, but when I view your site on my 1280 monitor, I see the horizontal scrollbar. Based on what I think you're saying, I shouldn't be seeing one until I reduce to under 800px.
  2. Ed, this post is two years old.
  3. Is this your homework?
  4. Thanks, I'll be playing around with this.
  5. I've done some more googling on this - it is and always has been my understanding that the body tag is the main container - it'll cover whatever you see on the monitor, so the only thing you might apply to it is background and maybe the old 'text-align: center (which is now redundant), but its width and height will forever be 100% of your display. I could not find anything to dispute this, but a few pages to confirm. So please, if somebody has any information about the validity of setting dimensions to the body tag, please enlighten me.
  6. Good point!! Re your CSS - since you're giving it the min and max width, isn't the 'auto' redundant? Also, since 'body' is all there is, how can you make it 'less than'? I'd think you'd apply the min/max to a container within the body?
  7. You could design it in percent, but that has several issues, as everything has to be flexible. In addition, with some of the wider monitors these days, you run into the risk of lines of text stretching forever, forcing you to actually having to move your head to follow it (well, almost). It's an option, but tricky. Another option is to put your content into a set-width wrapper and center it. Here's a how to: http://www.csstutorial.net/2010/02/creating-a-basic-2-column-center-aligned-fixed-width-layout-with-css/
  8. Andrea

    Resize Images

    How is that supposed to address a mobile device or anything that's not a tiny, square picture?
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsive_web_design http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/01/12/guidelines-for-responsive-web-design/ https://www.google.com/
  10. Your page looks just fine on my iPad just the way it is.
  11. Using tables for layout is a very outdated way of doing things. Before CSS, it was a good and pretty much only option to get some control over a page, but since we have CSS - and that's been around for way over 10 years now, it is no longer necessary to rely on tables for layout. Tables limit what you can do and clutter up a page with a whole lot of unnecessary code making updates a nightmare and a page ridiculous to navigate with screen readers. The only place a table should be used any more is to present tabular content. I'd go as far as saying anybody who claims that using tables is the way to go is certainly no expert. As to how it works, best to follow some tutorials on how to use CSS: http://www.csstutorial.net/ http://www.how-to-build-websites.com/
  12. You don't need a domain name. The host will give you a temporary URL you can use.
  13. Ok - I totally misunderstood your question. Here I'm looking for spaces or no spaces in your website itself, when it just dawned on me that you really were just asking about the space in that particular line of CSS - sorry about that. For that, I didn't need all your code, but as I said, I misunderstood. Here is a good explanation about space or no space: http://css-tricks.com/multiple-class-id-selectors/ As to why both - you're simply applying two sets of formatting to this one element. Whatever is defined in your ID and also whatever the class assigns. And I have no clue what you are asking here, and cannot even begin to guess: .mini_portfolio_item .block_inside Whether both class (.) is active here or not?
  14. I uploaded what you gave me, but it's not enough to work with: http://aandbwebdesign.com/KSforum/mango.html I'm missing the graphics and 2 style sheets. I usually need to play around with the code to figure it out, and cannot just see the problem by looking at it, but without having the images, it's pointless in this situation. However, even if you provide all that's missing, having to put it together on our end first just to see what really is going on, makes things very time-consuming. Check with your host, often, they offer some server space as part of their package, or find a free or cheap host. I once did business with 3ix.org - they have accounts for $1/month. Wouldn't recommend them for client use, I had too many hacking issues while with them, but for practice, they'd be just fine. Also, while I'm not totally clear on the intend of that page, it looks like those icons should be links. For that, they should be inserted into the HTML, not background images.
  15. Could you just upload your files somewhere and paste a link here? That way, we can see the code and what it creates with 2 clicks. It makes is so much easier to see what's going on.
  16. Without seeing all the code - and that is all the HTML and CSS, we can only guess. Also, you don't say what's on the other side of the lack of space around the h4 and the space around #video. There could be other things determining spacing. Solely based on the code you pasted, I can only see that #video has a top margin which creates a space of 5 px to whatever comes above it, and your .mini_portfolio has padding all around, which also creates a space. IDs can only be used one time per page, classes can be used more than once.
  17. Just got back home and see the email. It arrived 9:21 AM my time. (about 3 hours ago) The delay could be somehow on my end, just recently had something else I was waiting for arrive relatively late. (And yes, I did his send/receive several times while I was waiting). Anyway, I' m in.
  18. I signed up a good half hour ago - still don't see my sign-up email - it's not in junk, either.
  19. Do you have this uploaded somewhere? It would make it so much easier to look at and work with.
  20. Maybe I misread, but the ASP/HTML/SEO connection seems to have been discussed in the previous post, too. That is minus the .html vs. .asp aspect of things.
  21. While I have absolutely no idea why the IE page goes black, I do wonder why you're not just using a regular link. After all, you cannot read two pages at once, and most people by now have figured out the back button. That, and the link isn't even taking you to a different site, so I don't see the point. Plus, I find it annoying to have this pretty small window open up. Makes no practical sense to me, but maybe I'm missing something. A few things I noticed while I was there - and this one I clearly remember pointing out to you before - having the hover go white text on yellow background makes the text visually DISAPPEAR - as in I cannot even really see or read the white font on the yellow background. Is that your intention to just make the message become practically invisible? Also, the letters in the 'cricket club; are kind of hard to read with those balls as backgrounds. You could give the font a transparent background to where the balls are still somewhat visible, but the text can be read without squinting. After all, it's the words that count, the pictures are just decoration. Also, I'm curious, what is your motivation in disabling the View Source? Other than that, you have your doctype line mistyped - there should not be a closing slash, and it appears some of your divs aren't properly opening and closing, an dyou have two sets of closing body and html tags.
  22. Did you see the responses to the other thread you started about this topic? http://www.killersites.com/community/index.php?/topic/14309-how-can-i-convert-my-website-asp-into-a-html/page__p__42022__fromsearch__1#entry42022 Eddie seems to have answered your concern. If you post a link, we can make some general comments about any coding and/or coentent issues that may be a problem regardless of any HTML/ASP issue.
  23. The dude hasn't been back since February.
  24. Nothing I am aware of - All you can do is start with a WP install, create a theme to look the way you want it to look or use one of the many themes out there, and manually move the content over.
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