- Web Design Video Tutorial FAQ

Web Design Video Tutorial FAQ

1. Can I transfer the downloaded videos to a CD?


Actually I recommend it, so that you will have a backup. But if you should ever loose them, just send us an email and we will replace them for you.

2. Will the videos play on a MAC?

Yes, the videos play on both Windows and Mac. I use a Mac too!

3. Is there a time limit with the videos?

There is no time limit. Once you download them, they are yours to watch whenever you like ... now or a year from now.

4. If I have trouble getting my videos or playing them, who can I contact?

Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm (New York time).

5. Do you offer extended support on topics covered in the videos?

Yes. You have two options:

  1. The forum: - Our forums are filled with eager nerds (web designers) who are more than happy to help with any questions. Even if you don't need help, come and join our group!
  2. Instructor/tutor supported courses.
    You can learn more here: web design tutoring

6. Do the videos play on my TV or on my computer?

The videos play on your computer.

7. How do I unpack the download videos:

It's actually really easy, just watch this video: unpacking videos

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